The first thing I want to say is I have wanted to do this for a month. The second thing, I am one person who has his own opinion and does not speak for the world. If you disagree with me, I don't care. My best friend disagrees with me. I am sorry if this hurts some feelings.
THE MOVIE WAS HORRIBLE!!!!! This will take a while.
1. Sloan seemed nice to Eragon in the movie and he didn't in the book.
2. Eragon is wearing a modern leather vest on a modern white shirt! He wears a tunic!
3. Garrow and the farm were supposed to be burned down, but everything was just broken. Brom burned it!
4.Soldiers never came to the village in the book but were there in te movie.
5. The Ra'zac looked like mummies that were alive and had maggots crawling on them. They are supposed to be disformed creatures with black robes with a hood so you can't see their faces except for a black beak.
6. Arya didn't come to the part of the wood where Eragon was and tell him where she was. He saw her in her cell.
7. Angela was stupid and was rich and in the wrong town. Where was Solembum?
8. Teirm, Yauzak (or Daret, I can't remember), Dras Leona, and Theriensford were forgotten in the movie.
9. The Ra'zac killed Brom long before Gil'ead.
10. Murtagh joined Eragon long before Gil'ead.
11. Gil'ead isn't a fortress, it is a settlement.
12. The dwarves aren't mentioned in the movie.
13. Arya had black hair in the book.
14. The Twins are not in the movie.
15. Saphira couldn't breathe fire until the end of the book.
16. The urgals had horns in the book.
17 Arya didn't leave at the end of Eragon.
18. No offence to the actors, it isn't their fault, the casting was bad and the script was bad.
19. Galbatorix isn't in the book.
20. Saphira's voice was wimpy.
21. Durza didn't ride anything.
I think that is it.
Please tell me what you think of the movie.
Eragon Book Three Predictions is another post by me.
1 – 200 of 268 Newer› Newest»I completely agree with you on the movie being horrible! Did you catch the part where Horst is whining about his sons being taken off as soldiers right before Brom insults Galbatorix? His sons were not soldiers! Another thing that was totally off was Eragon and Murtagh's entrance into the Varden's territory. In the movie they just left their horses to fend for themselves. Eragon always made a point to protect Snowfire, Brom's horse. I know Hollywood feels they had to make these changes, but they did not remember one small detail...everyone who read the book would be at the movie!
I'm with ya man. The movie was dumb, and forgot some important stuff!Like shatering the Isidar Mithrim!
I'm with you man.They forgot some important stuff!
i agree with you totaly
I completly agree with you, they could have done better on the movie.
I completly agree with you, they could have done better on the movie.
I agree with you they didn't mention some important stuff but I quite liked the movie.Oh yeah, did you know that Christopher Paolini wrote the scenary for the movie himself?!
What a dissapointment! I haven't seen the movie yet, my family hardly ever goes to the movies and they wanted me to wait to see it on DVD. I couldn't wait to see the movie, now maybe I want see it, based on what Eragon book lovers have said that it's horrible
They have screwed up the film, most of the actors were rubbish, and Aria is a ginger, she is supossed to have Black hair. They forgot Horst and the butchers daughter Katrina.
I know. All young men were taken to be soldiers. I also thought about the horses in the movie but forgot until you said something.
the movie made me sick and all i wanted to do was read the book again and think of all the things they fogot. wasn't arya supposed to be an elf? i didn't see any pointed ears! though i must disagree about the voice of saphira. it seemed very wise. though it annoys me at how they made her grow like that. wasn't she supposed to grow over some months?!?
Did u guys notice how arya had blond hair and not black
the actress is like 200 lol
shes supposed to look like shes 19-20
not 50-90
I hated the movie. They cut out so many characters! Where was Solembum or Jeod? And Roran wasn't even becoming a soldier! I was ready to throw my drink at the movie screen. Saphira was supposed to have attitude, ya Saphira was smart and made good choices most of the time but they made her act like 100 years old (like Glaedr). They cut out the parts where Katrina and Roran were together. Eragon was supposed to have brown hair and same with Arya it was suppossed to be black.
the movie just straight up sucked thats what i think. a bunch of cities were left out and what about when they get the widows husbands bones back from the Ra'zac that wasnt in there either and it was just stupid. i have read both books 7 times and i find them much more better than the movie
I have to agree with you the movie suck and now i just finished the seecond book the second movie wont even be close to the second book If i was Chris i would redo the first movie but thats me.
I agree with you on the movie and I think they should remake it.
i haven't seen the movie. my parents don't go to the movies often, i can count how many times i've been to the movies in my life! however, y'all make it seem bad. my two guy friends saw it and they said it was horrible. however, i do have the version of the book that comes with photos. arya's hair made me mad. the guys who play eragon and murtagh are cute though. i have a thing for brits.....
they better not make the second book otherwise they will ruin that as well. if they do and they do not involve the dwarves... i hope the director has a good body guard lol
I also agree with anayone saying that the movie was horrible. All things that were changed were already mentioned. You could seriously make another book out of this movie. Many people loved it because they did not read the book, but now it is spoiled for them. i do not know how some other people wanting to film "Eldest" will want to connect to Eragon (the movie).
This is my opinion, so no offence but the movie was the worst i ever saw in my live!
I completely agree. I went on a rampage for a good two hours going over every detail that was wrong with the movie. The books are wonderful and I adore them and to think that piece of garbage represents the book to people who haven't read it I was appalled. I did think the scenery was beautiful. But the movie over all was rushed and I doubt the director has never laid eyes on a single page of the book.
movie was a total let down...
i spent the entire time going "nope, not how it happened... nooo, got it wrong again... nice try..."
and they almost made it seem like arya wanted eragon's attentions... she doesn't, which it explains in Eldest... which i think i liked even better than eragon!! Eldest was AMAZING.
i was all excited when i heard they were making a movie of eragon, but when i saw the trailer i was like "i'm not seeing that lame attempt at making
eragon into lord of the rings." in the trailer everything was completely wrong! i was so horrified i didn't even go see the film.
btw do u guys know when the third book is coming out?
I totally agree with you. I mean, the movie wasn't bad but it wasn't the book. Arya wasn't really that nice to Eragon in the book but it looked like Eragon and Arya had a relationship going on in the movie!!! Also, Roran didn't "run away", he had a job apprenticing to a miller!! Plus, where was Katrina? Arya and Saphira saved Eragon, and just by chance he killed Durza. And Eragon was crippled because Durza slashed Eragon on the back with his sword. On top of that, Eragon could heal external wounds but not internal. Most of all, Solembum is my sister's favorite character...besides Maud.
yeh i've got to say i agree with everyone i mean they left out some of my most favourite of all characters!!!!!!!
where was Solembum and Angela?????? they're awesome, i love them! whre were the dwarves, and i was disappointed in the looks differences with the actors and book: Brom he was young he supposed to be old, Ayra: to many disappointments to say, Roran and Katrina: where were they-they;re part of the story too, Dwarves: bubi where were they?Jeod:hello?
so may more i dont think the producers realised how many mistakes they made!!!!!!
or maybe.... they havent even read the book??????????
i dunno...i cant wait till Empire comes out! sooooooooooooo exciting!!
movie was terrible, left out so many important parts from the book, so people who never read will not know the true story, wat was up, isidar mithrim was not even shattered, no dwarves in the vardens place either, the movie to me was a total rip
I agree with you all the movie was a big let down and too many changes were made but then again it is already quite a long film and nearly all the changes and cuts were made because if the movie showed everything in the book it would be about 20 hours long.
(spoiler) For example the soldiers at the start of the film who took horst's sons away to be soldiers themselves were put there to show that the empire and galbatorix are evil because it would take too long to show that the empire is evil the way they do in the book through all the conversations.
i so totaly agree. Well actually I did think that Jeremy Irons was good but why did they have to leave out the twins???? I bet that they have an important part in the 3rd book, and it won't make any sense. Also Brom was killed by the Ra'zac, not by Durza. That is a pretty important mistake!!!! Whatever. Anyways the worst part was the guy who played Eragon. He couldn't act at all!!!! When he was supposed to look surprised, he would like wait a minute, and then look happy. He was so stupid. Oh well. I can't wait for the third book!!!!!
I haven't seen the movie, but i read the book and thought it was amazing! But based on what i heard i don't plan on setting my eyes on the tv if eragons playing. I did hear that they cut out alot of characters & cities. How do you leave Jeod out? Jeod like played a hudge part in the book, if not for Jeod Eragon would not know alot of the information he overheard from Brom and Jeod. If they plan on making Eldest a movie tell them to forget it they left out too many characters to just add them in like,Solembum.And all of those cities it makes you think that the director never even had a peake at the book cover. Whats this about souliders coming to Carvahall? And don't even get me started on the characters?!?!?!?!?!?!
I agree with you completely, I can't believe the author of Eragon let them make the movie when it was completely different from the book. I know sometimes books are a LITTLE different from movies but they've got a lot to make up for if there's gonna be a second movie.
Did u notice that arya never once used magic. Even though Brom was supposed to be dead long before that, out side Gil'ead, she just sat there and watched him die. And whats with Durza and his flying mount?
I think the movie should've been computer animated. They tried to bite off of what Peter Jackson did with the Lord of the Rings but with a fraction of the budget. They couldn't afford the talent needed to bring the book justice. If it was computer animated, they probably could've done a lot more with what they had to work with. Be that as it may, I think the Movie served it's purpose in that it brought CP a lot of exposure! Book sales have rocketed since it's release! I could see how someone who never read the book before would enjoy the movie and then decide to go out and buy the book. That's good for CP and in turn, good for us, his fans...
Those of us who are old enough to remember Hollywood's first attempt of putting Lord of the Rings on the big screen might agree that it too was a disaster. I can't wait for book three to come out! Eldest the movie on the other hand, I think I'll pass... I hope they get it right next time.
I believe that CP is the next great writer of our generation and will someday be revered in the likes of CS Lewis and JR Tolken.
OMG the movie was so bad! They left out all of the best characters, and it was only an hour and a half long! They totaly had enough time for all the stuff they left out. Brom wasn't supposed to be taking Eragon to the Varden. he was supposed to let him make up his own mind about it. Saphira growing up all of a sudden was so dumb, and she already had a name? Eragon was supposed to pick it! And she didn't have to be wise all the time! she was younger than Eragon!
i havent read all of eragon yet im half way through but iv seen the movie and it goes off of the storyline so much times
All right than ow knows wen a third book is comen out
the movie really was terrible. I think that they dug themselves into a pretty big hole when they changed so many important things. I cant even imagine what the next movie will be like
im serios are these people dumd!!!! it was like a whole diffrent{and worse} story. its like they cut up the book and pasted it all back together again horablely!! i hope eldest is better. oh and i think empire comes out in late march.
I think that the movie had awesome digital animation, but.... it was like the characters in the book in a completely different storyline! theres just one fact to it.... the movie stunk! i think that people who have read the book think the movie was horrible, and people who havent read the book think it was awsome, my dad has'nt read the book and loved the movie. well thats all i have to say.
In the movie Saphira flys to Eragon on a cliff and says " I am Saphira".
Dude you couldn't be any more right if you tryed! iu really wish Peter Jackson would've done the movie. You did leave out that Eragon wasn't immediatly perfect with magic, Brom gave him Zaroc at the begining, the Razac killed Brom not Durza, Zaroc had inscriptions on it and even though Galbatorix was only in the book in storys and memorys his sword should have been black, Durza's sword didn't have a scratch on it in the movie, Murtagh was released for the battle in the end, Durza never cut Eragon's back in the movie, I mean there was sooooo much wrong with that movie it was almost not Eragon I mean change the names of the characters and citys and you would so almost no relation between the 2
I hated the movie.}-[ I had got so pumped up to see it and then i ended up doing something I'd never done during a movie, I talked through the hole thing it was a real downer.8(
i happen to be an Eragon fanatic and i have the limited edition zor'rac sword and i read eldest eleven times and eragon 19 times. the author of this page did forget to say that eragon was supposed to get a scar down his back and that the movie directos forgto the desert and verything. i didnt think the movie was horriable but it was extremely bad.
Honestly. They could have done a WAY better job. They skipped the desert!
I think I'm the first one to say this, but I thought the movie was fairly good. All the aspects you all have said are totally true. I hated how they left our Teirm and Jeod and made Arya into happy-bouncy lets go play after we kill these urgals little princess. However, every one did play their parts fairly well (very well into the case of Jeremy Irons.) I checked out the DVD info and it said that the deleted scenes are almost ALL about Katrina and Roran's romance and the twins. Also, though being a miller is a good reason to leave in a book, I think it was good they changed it for the movie. I mean no one new to the story is going to go "OOH HES GOING TO HAMMER SOME NAILS WHY CANT THIS STORY BEING ABOUT HIM???" If they look at it and say ooh hes on the run from an evil king then itll be more exciting, like "OH YEAH ERAGON'S NOT THE ONLY COOL ONE IN THIS WORLD." The only thing I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY wished they hadn't done, though, was hire the actor they did for Murtagh. He looks like a little warrior prince, and he looks evil. He's supposed to be a renegade on the run from evil just like Eragon!!!!
Whoa Cory that picture I saw on Cory's Corner. Of those tiny houses look like a lame copy of the houses on Tattoine. I saw the traier and looks like their trying to make a lame Lord of the Rings.
Christopher Paolini should jsut refuse that they're allowed to make Eldest. It will probably be even WORST!
Did you guys notice that arya didn't have pointed ears. the movie was so off the book they could make another book out of it.
The movie was TERRIBLE! There were two lines in there though that I liked.
Totally agree with you! To add to your list - We disliked Arya. She was pathetic and wimpy, not strong and driven like in the book. Also there was no development of Eragon, he went from a farm boy to an eragont rider... Where was all the sparing with Brom and learning of the anchient language? And why all the focus on Galbatrox - he seemed just like any other bad guy, not the epitomy of evil like in the book. Total disappointment
-you are soo right the movie was horrible!!! and i have more 2 say 2 your
1)in the movie eragon was teaching saphira 2 fly when she became big after 10 seconds & the book it takes a longer time
2)in the movie durza didnt slice eragons back
3) in the book roan leaves 2 earn money 2 marry saphira not 2 go 2 war
how stupid!!!
The movie was trash. The only thing the director got right was the title. Hopefully someone else is going to do the other movies with minimal rewrites.
i also agree that the movie was horrible in the final scene (i think i misspelled it) arya said "time moves quickly yesterday you wre a farm boy and now you are a hero, tommaro we will meet again" it was almost a literal statment i think it took him2 or 3 days to get to the varden. Also what is up with saphira automatic growth flight that was pretty dumb how she just flew up and came down a full grown dragon. also wherre was the fight in the movie they looked nothing like tunnels i think the one good thing they did is introduce Nasawada( i no i was way off on the spelling but u no Ahjihad's daughter)
i had way higher expections for the movie i so am not buying that movie it was a total ripoff
it was like the movie makers only skimed thru the book. and used character names and the basic plot but made up everything else
i'm sooo with you. the book is soo good. if they wont make a movie with the whole book story and plots and stuff they shouldnt have made that movie at all
I totally agree, it's like the movie crew didn't even read the book, they just tried to throw something together. If I was Christopher Paolini, I would refuse to let them mutilate another of my books, they would have to be acurate in order for them to make another movie.
Okay I Totally agree! Last time I checked urgals had horns and hair, not a bald head and bad language skills.
I agree with you completely but the only thing that I would say is wrong is the the Ra'Zac didn't kill Brom in the movie Durza did. Not like that is any better
I agree with you saying the movie was horrible. I mean come on! Tehy could have done much better. Some stuff like Brom being a storyteller in the town instead of just some guy and the way the Ra'zac looked were simple things that didn't take much to make right. It was ridiculus. They're screwed(excuse the language) if they're making a movie out of the second book because they left so much out!
i agree too!! that movie was horrible!!!!!!!
I completly agree that the movie was a complete failure!!! When I heard they were making it I thought it would acctualy be good!!I mean I can understand that they diddn't want to make an incredably long movie, but please, don't completly distroy it!!! Where did all the places Brom & Eragon went like Yazzuac, Teirm, and Helgrind!! They should have had Brom die before they went to Gil'lead like in the book!! Why was Angela in daret and why is she so young! In the book she's older isn't she! And where did ELVA go!! She is a super important role in the next book, and if the directors knew that why didn't they put her in!! Why didn't Paloni say something!! I raelly hope that when they make Eldest, it's not this bad!!!!!!!!!!
What a rip off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when I heard Eragon wa coming out i thought it would acctualy be good! I mean what happened to Yazzuac, Teirm, and Helgrind!! And what happened to Trojhem, it never happened!! Wasn't Brom supposed to die before they went to Gil'lead, and Eragon meat Mutaugh before they go to Gil'lead!! If you hadn't read the book how are you supposed to know Arya is an elf? And what about the Dwarfs? htey don't exist!! Niether do the Twins! And Angela is in the wrong town, and where is Solombum?? How are they going to tie him in?? What gets me the most is WHERE IS ELVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She can't not be in the movies she is so important!! Who ever directed the movie must have never read the books and must not have thought that everyone who has read them is going to be at the theaters exspecting to see a GOOD movie!! Let's just hope that the next two arn't as bad!!!!!!!
The movie stunk completely. it was so much different than the book. hopefully eldest will be a bit better!
I thought the movie was pretty good but, I have not read the book. I could see from the comments made that one would be upset about the movie. Rule of thumb is movies are never never never as good as the book.
i agree that the movie was horrible. i mean they should redo it. now they left all the stuffout thats important in the next book that the next movie if they make one will be horrible i got soooooooo mad when i saw the movie.
ya the movie was totaly messed upand just stupid. plus they totaly screwed everything up for the next movie!
I think one of the most inaccurately portrayed parts was Arya. If they film the second book (which they better do right) the whole problem with Arya and her mother and that Eragon does not know who she really is will be lost. She was suppose to be unconcious most of the movie, and yet she was awake for all except for the one time she fell over. And because Eragon wasn't wouded by Durza, he can't be healed by the elves in the Blood Oath Celebration. Arya and Eragon didn't even spar. Arya needed to have used magic once in the movie to clarify that she can indeed use magic. Overall, the only part of the movie that actually went by the book was the beginning prologue. I hope they make a better second movie for Eldest.
I totally agree with everyone who hated it as well -- not even vaguely accurate to the book at all!!
The parts i hated most:
a) Saphira growing up in about 2 seconds
b) Saphira's animation --- it was amazing graphically, but she looked more like a gryphon than a dragon!!!! Come on, i mean feathered wings -- seriously???!!!
c) Saphira and the whole speil about her "always being able to talk". -- Eragon teaches her everything in the book!
d) the lack of any cities/locations they covered along the way, especially Tronjheim!! (though i suppose they wouldn't have been able to do it justice on such a meager budget)
e) Everything about the varden -- the city, the lack of dwarves, no twins, etc.
f) Everything about the battle -- most of all Durza/Durza's mount/Durza's Death
That's all i can think of for now, and i hope they don't have the guts to try and make eldest into a movie -- i'd enjoy hearing about directors trying to make all the connections between the two movies without all the material they cut from the eragon script.
Okay I will admit that the movie was alittle off from the book but it wasnt all bad.
I have to say I enjoyed the movie, but I saw it before I read the book. I guess it is better that way. The film makers did say that they based the movie on the book but it was not a movie about the book. After reading the book, I have to agree that, from the book stand point, the movie failed.
The problem I have now, is that since they left so much out from the first book, they will have to play catch up if they come out with a second movie.
The fact that King Galbatorix was played by John Malcovitch sais it all...
okay, i sooooo agree with all of you guys. Saphira's voice? what WAS that? totally messed up. and none of the characters looked right. they were all hot or pretty, yeah, but come on, i'd rather they stick to the story line. Every person came in at the wrong times. Arya was supposed to be totally out of it the whole time! I was so excited to see the movie, and was depressed afterword. I saw it with my friend who also read the book, and the whole time we were saying to each other. Wrong. Wrong. Nope. Didn't happen. What was that? We were furious. I have yet to read Eldest, which I know will be incredible, but please, if you are going to make that a movie too, DO IT RIGHT!!!!
I agree the movie was horrible they left out alot and they put in things that were not supposed to be like Roran he never went to join the army he went with the smith to therinsferd to get some extra money to marry katrina and they completly forgot Jeod now the people who have seen the moive and want to see the second wont know who he is because he comes into the second book a little and Eragon in the book never saw Murtagh when he was about to see Angela,and what ever happened to Solembum!i mean he gave Eragon a prediction about the weapon under the trre and all that so if it comes into the third movie no ones going to understand it.So many left out places that i think they should just redo it or at least get some who read the book to do it i mean come on holly wood you guys can do better than this
Ok here it is plain and simple. THEY CANT MAKE A SECOND MOVIE!!!!! they cant make it b/c you dont know about roran except that he and eragon "dueled w/ sticks" yeah right never happened. also you dont get a good understanding about gramaye and the ancient laguage thus you cant have half of Oromis's training, and if i remember correct Eragon never speaks of liking Arya (and has already been stated she didnt have green eyes nor black hair) not only that but HIS SCAR did nobody pick up on that?????? His scar CRIPPLED him yes they showed Durza landing the blow but the entire battle was entirely wrong!!!!! Durza didnt fly nor did Eragon ever use a spell called "Skulblakas Ven" true it is a viable spell but it never happened, plus the Raz'ac were killed in the movie did anyone notice that??? how are they to torment Carvahal and take Katrina if they are dead? and it never mentions the Lethblakas (their parants) and no solumbum that means no menoa tree nor vault of souls, plus the whole thing w/ Muragh he didnt mention his scar and he barely revealed his past and Farthen Dur wasnt under ground which meant no dwarves which means no tarnag and no charm that protects from scrying (which wasnt mentioned either) you know Draumr ko'pa, and the whole thing with saphira breathing fire during the entire fight under farthen dur (which they didnt mention him and saphira going behind their enemies and "lopping heads of") the twins HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! major part of the book the trials eragon went through on the sparring field his duel w/ Arya idiot in the film industry need to be shot.. so if you are still reading this feel free to add on i havent put in everything i am just tired of typing so remember w/o all of this plus more they cannot hope to make a second movie w/o remaking the first.
I completly agree! The movie was just soo bad! And I really hope they don't make a second or third movie, because it would just be a disgrace on the books! (not that this movie isn't). And Saphira didn't just transform in the clouds!! And their house was NOT made of straw!! It was made of wood! Plus, like other people have said, Angela was in the wrong town, and wasn't just a fortune teller, she was a herbalist, or whatever, and she was in Terim, not some swamp place! I just think they should take the movies off the shelves and try to forget it was ever there.
Although I haven't seen the movie, I think it looks horrible. Although I must correct you about Galbatorix. I do believe he was in the book... I will have to check. But I was absoloutly appalled by Arya.
Movie aaaaa STUNK!!! the worst parts were
1 the raazac, what were on them leaches?
2 where are the dwarves?
3 Arya seems like she has a thing for Eragon. Actually she avoids him in Eldest.
4 Arya had no pointed ears
5 also in the book Eragon killed Durza by luck, not strength
but what really ticked me off was that Arya did no magic at a-l-l. In facct she didn't even try to heal Brom in his final hour, she stood there and watched!
totally agreed........the movie was nothing like the book =(
All true. They also completely ruined the mountain city- i forget the name- they made it look like a dump...it was supposed to be a grand city. Also in the book, Eragon has brown hair and Brom has a long beard. Arya's hair is supposed to be brown and she was too wimpy in the movie. Arya also had no feelings for Eragon, in the book, she hardly even looks at him. She is also supposed to be sleeping when they leave Gil'ead, in the movie she is wide awake. In my subtle 13 year old opinion HOLLYWOOD BUTCHERED A GREAT BOOK!!
one question.........how did eragon blow up a bridge, killing like 20 urgals. Am I mistaken, or did he only kill 2 urgals in the book.Oh, and also what was up with Angela. Where's the curly hair, and WHERE THE HECK IS SOLUMBUM! The actress was probably someone on the production staff's daughter, at least that is what it looked like.
I would really like to see what they do with Eldest, if the fan base doesnt contrive cp into disallowing any further travesty.
Katrina was not in the movie.
The ra'zac killed Brom not Durza!!!
In the movie, Eragon did not get a scar from Durza.
im not defending the movie i actually havent even made the attempt to watch it but i have heard an average book every 100 pages of book equals about a hour of movie so they had to cut alot out just to make a 2 hour movie i can think of a million movies that came from books all changed and abridged
Firstly, I saw the film BEFORE reading the books (I was too busy reading The Dark Tower series and LOTR) and !FOR A FILM! it was quite good, e.g Harry Potter: GOF was a great film, but rubbish compared to book. Anyways I read Eragon about a month after, and did find the first bits to be carbon copies of the film (Ayra being ambushed, Eragon finding Egg etc.), then I realized the big mistake. SAPHIRA GREW IN 2 SECONDS IN THE FILM, IT TAKES MONTHS IN THE BOOK! MONTHS. AFter this, I was shocked at how they missed out the big important stuff, like Solembums prophecy and Jeod, who plays one hell of a nice chunky part in Eldest.After finishing Eldest about 3 weeks ago, I have decided to simply not go to the cinema when the second film comes out, it would too upsetting to see such mastery destroyed by Peter Jackson (guy who directed LOTR) wannabes. Note: That was a hint, GET PJ ON BOARD TO DIRECT!
Note 2: 'Empire' (rumored title) is expected sometime 2008 (Noooooo!), check shurtugal.com for full details.
Note 3: Katrina DOES appear in film, just not majorly.
well i think they left out the most inportent stuff like brom was killed by the ra,zac not durza omg.
i think the directer was like stuiped or somthin. plus they left almost every city and in the book i wasn't till the end that they headed for the varden. in the movie it was "if make it past then we have a straight shot at the varden omg lol
well i hope that theres some bad *** dragon in the spine so it comes out and helps eragon in the third book
im so with yah man i mean whats with brom gettin killed by durza? He was suposed to get killed by the ra,zac lol and they left out like 98% of they towns and they dont head to the varden untill they end in the movie brom said in the begining "if we get there we have a straight shot and the varden"
I totally agree. the movie was horrible. not even a quarter of the book was put in the movie. Where is Snowfire? How about Orik, or the baby that eragon blessed? In order to make a sequel you kinda need the key parts that lead up to a sequel!!
I agree. Although I liked the movie, it was waay off. They could have done a better job with the script. They also should have gotten into the movie a bit more? ya know? Even if they included everything, it would have been really long, but way better. The movie also didn't emphasize the way dragons and their riders communicate, so if you haven't read the book it probably didn't make much sense. Another thing was they should have done a waaay better job on the battle parts... and they made murtagh seem like some freaky mental dude
you are so right. the movie was stupid and i hated it. they missed all the good stuff like eragon and brom getting taken by the ra'zac and so on!
I did not think it was horrible but where is the hadrac desert and Durza dont ride anything
The most important problem with the movie, is that they really didn't introduce all the characters, or they told us too much about the characters. For example, they didn't introduced Elva but they told us the Arya was the Princess of Ellesmera. This therefore messes the whole second book up (most likely they will make Eldest into a movie) and they would have introduced Elva too late. If Elva ends up having a large role in Book 3, then the movie of Book 3 will get completely messed up too because Elva isn't there! When you're making a movie about a triology that isn't finished yet, it is probably a good idea to go by the book to make sure the whole trilogy will fall into place.
i agree completely. i can't believe how much they messed up arya! they skipped villages, eragon would never just abandon broms horse. They messed up big time. where did katrina go?
everything was wrong they left out some of THE most important things and they mixed up some of the things and how and when they happened. the movie was the worst movie i have ever saw. i hope they dont make another movie of eldest because it wouldnt go right since the end of the 1st movie didnt end like the book so then the movie would be soooooo different from the book then it alread is. i hate the movie but luv the book. i would so rather read the book 10 times instead of watching the movie once.
I thought the movie was great (maybe i should read the book to know if it is true)
PS= the i like the major battle part out of all the scenes....
I agreee totally. i have never seen a plot so trashed in my life; especially one as good as eragon. I was so dissapointed. And what was supposed to be a dwarf didnt even have a beard!
I agree with you completely Corey,the movie forgot some of tmy favorite parts in the book like the part in the movie where Roran goes off to war he never did that in the book which concludes my complaining.
how is the cast going to do the 2nd film when half the book is focused of the Ra'zac and the movie they are supposed to be dead?! and Durza didn't kill Brom the Ra'zac did and by the way the ending was so boring!!
Yeah the movie is soo wrong and they didnt mention katrina and they didnt mention brom and eragon getting captured and roran didnt go in the army and SAPHIRA DIDNT NAME HERSELF
lol and arya didnt even have elf ears and they specifically stated in the book she had long pointy ears
the movie was horrible! they got everyone wrong. arya dosnt have redish hair she has black hair, also saphira dosn't have feathers. in the beggining it looked a lot like roran was wering bluejeans, did they even have bluejeans then?
i think the avcotors were prety good its just they picked the wrong actors like arya is supposed to have black hair.but the guy who played eragon was a good actor
the movie was the worst book-movie translation i've ever seen, but by itself the movie was good. (i bought the dvd, because i didn't see it in theaters.) however, there's one thing i don't think anyone's mentioned, and it was one of the first things i noticed wrong in this movie: ARYA WAS CONSCIOUS THE WHOLE TIME!!!!!!!! how can y'all NOT see that?????? she's supposed to be in a coma the whole time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah i totally agree. and the movie artists didnt even bother to give arya pointed ears!!!
i've got a few
1.arya didnt have pointed ears.
2. urgals are another race not fat humans =p.
3.it looked like durza summoned the razauc and gave them orders.
4.saphira grew up in a few months not a few seconds.
5.saphira and arya didnt break the star saphire.
6.ajihad just sort of shouted out murtagh was the son of morzan out of nowhere.
7. this is a major one. Eragon never got his back ripped up. thats on of the biggest parts in the second book.
i dont think they'll be able to make a second movie because of all the mistakes they made.
Did anyone notice that there were no ELEVES or DWARVES in the movie!?? And what was up with Tronjheim? It wasn't a dinky little town , it was a huge in-mountain city With a humungus red sapphaire in the top, through which Sapheria first breathes fire! I really disliked this movie.
The whole look of the characters, such as what they wore, didnt bother me as much. Now Arya's hair did bother me.
The main issue I had was the fact that the movie was in no way like the book, even if I hadnt read the book I would not have been impressed. It was jumpy and never explained anything. Everything that led into the next book was cut out even if they made the movie 1/2 an hour longer would have made a significant difference.
Just like you: I did not like the movie at all. I agree with you: the movie stunk. Some things I don't get are:
1) In the movie, when Eragon says wheis heil (I think),
the enchantment comes out of his hand before he says it, and you don't learn about that until the next book (you can just think it).
2) Angela did not look like that, i'm pretty sure. i mean... a nose ring! where'd that come from?
3) in the movie, eragon and murtagh look completely different from one another. in the second book, you learn that they are brothers! how are they going to make that look real in the second movie? (not that they made it seem real in the first one)
4) Brom dies from the Ra'zac, not durza, and from an arrow, not spear.
5) where were all the cities?!?!?!
6) where was tronjheim? i might have seen it, but it wasn't made out of marble!
7) durza never flies.
8) where was isidar mithrim!?!
9) where was the dragon sleeping quarters?
10) in the movie, it said that a dragon dies when it's rider does. a dragon doesn't die when it's rider does. didn't galbatorix have morzan find another dragon to replace his murdered one (killing it's rider in the proccess)?!?!
11) saphira's growth spurt? you get the idea...
from Carson (i have to get off now, but i'll write more later)
I saw the movie and kept thinking that it did not follow the book at all. However, you can't compare the movie to the book. If they make another movie (which I doubt) how will they introduce the story line of Katrina and Ronan? This starts at the beginning of book 1 and by the end of book 2 it's such an important part of the book.
Wait, in the book, I though Roran went to Therinsford to work so he can earn money and marry Katrina.
While in the movie, he ran away to avoid being in the Army.
I totally agree!!! THey Left so much stuff out of the movie that it isn't even funny. THey Left out the Dessert. What about when aragon tried to get into arya's mind? Where was that? I was horrified to see they left out the best parts of the book. What were they thinking.
i agree that the movie seemed like a diffrent story from the book. i drove my friend insane because we sat down at her house to watch teh movie and i could not shut up about all the things that were wrong. my friend got so mad she stuffed paper in my mouth.[:
but back to the movie...
i think that the movie had some good things going for it and a lot of thigs going wrong for it. for example if you have the 2 disk set then you must have already seen the deleted scenes and the storyboard and all teh extras. and if you did then you would know that fox started on the right path.another thing going for te movie it helped visualize some of the characters and teh landscape.so yes i agree teh movie was in no way what i thought it was going to be it made me sad yes but i still enjoy watching it evrey now and then!
first thing the movie was horrible second i think that saphira will mate with the green dragon and save the dragon race thrid i think that oh whats her name the one that wont make a sword for eragon will finally make one fourth eragon will pull or bring his uncle back to life he will marry arya and finally live make the cats prediction flase about the royal blood.
i hated the movie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the left out meny charictures cities. every thing was out of seqence. if i listed how many mastakes the wre in the movie i would be here till year 3056!!!!!! i just cant wate till book three!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
i hated the movie !!!!!!!!!!! it left out many many many charicturs and cities!!!!!!!!! if i were to name all of the mastakes i would stil be tiping till year 3056 !!!! i just can wate till book 3!!!!!
By: Kaden Kiki
I hate the movie too! Another problem is that, in the movie, Arya wasn't an elf! THE MOVIE WAS AN INSULT!
i Agree with every single thing you said except the ninteeenth reason i dont mind that you saw galbatorix and i dont know what your talking about with the twins but its probably a good reasson and all the people i know who didnt read the book first thought it was great but it was HORRIBLE!!!
movie stunk
i sort of dissagree with the voice but what i think is the worst is how saphira grew
i think they should remake it but if you were them it would probably feel stupid it probably cost like 2 million dollers to make and then make one two years later
i cant beleive they put on the new covers and put in pictures your sitting there reading how their hair is black then you turn the page and you see a picture of them with blond
the actor that played eragon was horribble he's soppused to be a farm boy not some prince from cinnderella or something
i think they bought a book to go through and read for the movie and it got blown up by a bomb and tried to paste it back together instead of buying a new one
if you sued them and the judge had read eragon then seen the movie youd probably win becuase the judge would understand why your suing
The movie was horrible you are right! The director and the ppl with him made Eragon sink like a fricken boat they left so many important parts out like Dras leona and teirm and the way they showed how eragon learned magic was BS he owned 2 urgals in an alley while Brom was unconsious
now ppl who havent read the books are going to be like WTF when/if they make movie 2 because Jeod is just going to appear out of no where oh i read ur other blog on what you think might happen i think your right about most of them i was thinking roran might be the next rider tho
YES! man that movie was HORRRRIIBLE! I can't believe that someone didn't sued or something ......... i mean come on the book was detailed enough to make the movie directly from the book .............. if they were going to make the movie Eragon they should have made it atleast similar to the book ........ the only way people would like it is if they didn't read the book
here's a more subtle thing I noticed; in the book, Saphira's wings are thing membranes. in the movie, Saphira's wings are covered in feather-like scales.
they have a book, Eragon, which is written brilliantly and practically ready-made for a script, and what do they do? they basically commit murder! they tarnish all that C.P. put his time, effort, and money into by making this... this garbage!
Why did they have Durza fly around on "dark magic." How could they hce screwed up even some of the simplest of parts.
Well, my kids and I loved the Movie and we loved the books. Christopher didn't have anything to do with the movie so what they did was basically make it a movie. Like Hollywood does to all books really. I personally feel that a movie is just that, and we watch it over and over. I have read and my children have read the books and we note the differences. I do know that the 2nd book came much more to life putting faces to words. Just my humble opinion.
I haven't seen the movie but I've been on the Eragon movie website and seen there trailers and they don't look good. For one thing the Razac looked like mummy that are alive. And I saw one thing when Murtagh wants to go to the Varden and the movie looks like it just doesn't agree with the book. Since I read the book It will probably destroy the movie.
I haven't seen the movie, yet, I'm renting it at the libray but SO many people want to see it that i guess I'll have to wait awhile, but anyway, hopefully they'll make a new movie, remeber their first attempt at making Lord of the Rings. And don't forget Narnia, man those two made me sick! But now there is a great Lord of the Rings trilogy, perhaps the best three movies of all time. And the new Narnia movie had a awsome first movie, i heard Prince Caspian is come out this December I can't wait! Well anyway, hopefully if we're patient they'll be someone who is just as outraged as us, and will make a new and great Eragon. Here's hoping.
Age: 13 (heh...not quite yet)
It's never a good idea to start a movie when the trilogy isn't even finshed,unless you want to make everything exactly like the book, i don't know how they're going to make a second one, mcuh less a third one. What if Elva or Katrina is the next rider what are you going to do. Oh wait people, we have to throw this girl in who's apparently in love with ROran by the way. Or okay people this girl got cursed in Eragon okay! Real smooth. Fact is they had plenty of time left, they could of made the movie three hours and at least had those characters. It's not like the movie was already five hours it was an hour and a half.And Jeod and the Twins are so Important. What a disgrace.
and what was d rubbish abt d spell wid which eragon adopts a dragon's vision?? and abt "when v r truly 1 then ull b able to ride on my tail" and brom killing d ra'zak?
book is really good i wish the #3 would come out sooner. eldest was good but not as many fights and more romanse. but almost made me poop my panse when i read that mughtau was the dragon rider an that him and eregon were brothers
your right it was bad it could have been way better it got a
D. once I read the book I know the movie was bad.any ways I heard that arya might be a rider in the third book.
They left out some of the simpliest stuff like the shaftering of isidar mithrim and plz tell me where the drawfs were and find some characters the have atleast the same hair clolour!
I agree extirely, in the book a sliver palm oval in the middle of the hand, not a upside down e, how hard is it to do what the book said. Araya didn't even have pointed ears! She's an elf! Elf=pointly ears! Plus she is suppost to have black hair.
I agree the movie was pretty bad but not that bad.... I think you're forgetting that it is BASED on the book. If they made it exactly like the book it would probably go for like 4-5 hours and that would be too long.
I understand that movies will always leave out certain things from the book because it's impossible to put that much detail into a movie, but it's like they didn't even try. I could not believe the things they left out and completely changed. The movie was a huge disappointment and a sorry excuse to make money.
it was the worset movie i hav ever seen. they missed more then half the book. none of the charators look right. saphire look realy bad.the fire from her wasn't blue. the end scene was really bad. the growing of saphire was disapointing. they can't do the next movie anymore. there were dwarves but they just look like normal hummans. if i didn't go 2 the movie with a the person i did it would hav put me 2 sleep. the dargon hold wasn't above the isidar mithrim with no roof. it was just a cave.
(the book rules best series ever and hes only like 20)
The Movie was completely wrong! It didnt follow the book! No elves, dwarves...
the movie was HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
another dumb thing is they forgot the part where eragon's back got hurt and when arya left at the end? how will he get to ellesmera in eldest his crippled cursed back effected the whole second book! i bet all the movie makeres never even read the seacond book and diddent know wich parts were important. also the shade in the book would have easily blocked eragon when he attacked. the movie went too quickly. the only way it would be good is if you had never read the book(thats probably the case for the makers of the movie) also brom has a beard and is real old in the movie he is like 20-30!
That movie stunk they couldnt make eldest anything like the book now I totally agree with all of you, and since when was there a spell to see through your dragon's eyes Oh come on.
And what about the tree grabbing the Razac. Also how did Eragon land a stab on the Razac. All in all THAT MOVIE STUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you are totally right i completely agree. i was pumped to see it ever since there were only rumors. how are they going to make eldest with arya gone away. who's going to show him to the elves. why did arya say she was princess it was supposed to be a suprise to those that don't read. i guess all i have to look forward to is the third book.
i sooo agree with you . if you can't make a movie dont try. i was so exited but when the movie came out i was so dissapointed. katrina is soo important in the 2nd book and they left her out. the twins were the reason murtagh was "evil"
Can't they get anything right . They couldn't even have pointed ears. Helllo?? Arya's an elf. She isn't supposed to be nice to eragon. It is an insult the book how Brom dies. How could one so great be killed by Durza. Also what about the broken star at the end. Jeod? solebum? Elva? twins? Orik?"Magic comes from dragonS?" Wht about arya. i don't want to get started. Stupid director. you insulted the book. emmented. i wonder who made you one anyways.
I agree that the movies was horrible and is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. The movies is never as good as the book (except of some movies like Lord of The Rings) but this goes way beyond that. It did not follow the story at all. They missed important parts in the book such as how Garrow dies, the battle the end of the movie was way of from hoe it went in the book, and they also messed up characters and settings in the movies way beyond anything I have ever seen before. They left out so many key parts that the only way they will be able to do the second one is by twisting and destroying it to. Again it was a huge disappointment, a waste of money to go see it, and is the WORST MOVIE EVER!!!
Yeah, that movie was the worst of all time. Eragon kindda had like sandy blond hair in the movie in the book... it's brown and he's 15 not 17. The dwarves were in the movie, yeah they were really tall like 5'6" i thought dwarves were supose to be verticaly challenged. In the move there was no king, no big giant rose and no desert. Oh yeah Brom gives Eragon Zar'roc not keep it so Eragon can use some stupid iron stick.
Oh yeah i almost forgot whats with the human army?! where were the kull?! I don't think im seeing that movie again so did Eragon even get that scar on his back?
idea, if anyone can remake this mess of a movie i think its Peter Jackson (LOTR, 3rd and 4th Harry Potter and others) atleast he would get it right... although there is the fact that if he made the movies we would prolly be sitting whatching the screen for 3 or 4 hours, but i hope it'd be worth it.
I TOTALLY AGREE!! The movie wasn't too good! In the movie Arya had on a dress, and in the book she wore some cool black suit. She also never liked Eragon in the book and in the movie it made her seem like she liked him.
agreed and if they do make as eldest movie i just hope they dont mess that one up too
I totally agree that the movie was bad. There was a lot of things left out and one thing was wrong. In the book, Brom was killed by the Ra'zac but in the movie it was Durza who killed him. Missing out on these things will affect the second movie. Also, I wonder when the third book will come out...I'm DYING to read it.
I want to buy the movie just so I can watch it and read the book again and list everything that is wrong. My grandma hasn't seen the movie and she loves the books so I advised her to not waste her money on a half story. The movie is like saying you aren't lying but you aren't telling the whole truth you know?
I wasn't feeling good one day when my mom decided to take me to see the movie to make me feel better. While I was watching I had started counting on my fingers how many things were wrong or missing. Then it got to be too much so I quit. How are they planning to make another movie?
We all who were dissapointed in this production could probably make a better movie right now than what they had done.
If they ever try to make eldest they will have to interduce so many charaters and the story will be so messed up it wont make sense
If they plan on ever making a sequal to the movie, they need to totally scrap this one and start fresh with a new director, better actors, and actually include the full plot because they boned this movie up so much that they can't even begin to contemplate making a second. I don't think any of the cast or crew ever took the time to read so much as an excerpt from the book because this was honestly the worst movie that i've ever seen. (and ive watched cable guy)
I haven`t seen the movie but some friends of mine have and they told me about it and i have seen a commercial for it. Me and my friends (along with Corey) all agree that the movie was a
complete RIPOFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree if Peter Jackson redid this we probably would be watching it for 3 hours maybe even 4 hours because they made it so bad. But it would probably would be worth it. I mean at least he would make it so it likes the book more and he would have a better crew and more money to do it. If you look at LOTR it was great and it even resembled the books. If he did remake Eragon the movie it would be fantastic.
yeah, the movie was terrible. i've been waiting to watch this movie for like a year and i went and saw it with a few of my friends. they all loved it (and one of my friends cried numerous times b/c it was sad) and even my rents liked it. but it has nothing in common with the book besides the fact that there is a boy and a dragon trying to save the world. that's it! there's nothing else in common. i wonder how (if there is one) the second movie will turn out with all these changes?
My children, their friends and their entire school enjoyed the movie. I have read and re-read the book after watching the movie and still watch the movie. I loved it for what it was, a movie, like all movies from books... a short story made by Hollywood. Not all people like all movies, but I doubt anyone could make the movie like the book, I suppose that is why CP didn't have any input to the movie. I love the books and just loved the movie for what it was, a great fantasy movie that the family can enjoy that gave way to reading and re-reading. I spotted all the flaws, but enjoyed it anyway.
I am glad they called Eragon Eragon and not Saphira and Vice-versa.That is about the only thing that was correct in the movie!
And Scince when did Murtag WANT to go to the varden!And they showed very little sparring and none of the desert!
The Movie was so different from the book it was not funny.All the chariters I wanted to see in the movie were like...not there!Maby the movie crew and cast should try reading the book next time!
I agree that made me like barney better than the movie and I'm 31
If they make an Eldest im defenitly not going to see it.
I liked the books so much and the movie was good to,it just didnt follow the storyline very well.
OMG!!!!!!!!! i am soooooooo mad cus they made arya have long blonde hair instead of short black hair. AND on top of that eragon looks horable!!!!!! this may sound wierd but i pictured him like a non-animated verson of how human shrek looked in the second movie. AND on top of that THEY CHANGED THE COVOR OF THE BOOK!!!!! NOW THE BOOK HAS THE STUPID CAST ON IT AND THE BOOK SAYS THEY LOOK TOTALLY DIFFERENT THEN HOW THE COVOR SHOWS IT!!!!!! sOME BOOKS NEED TO STAY BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND I MEAN IT!!!!!
the movie was really bad
the movie stunk i mean hy was their no dawrfs
i hated the movie..since i read the book. for one, it was nothing like the book. two, they left out a lot of people. and three, the small, little tiny details in the book-the ones tht play a big part in the seccond book- were all left out in the movie. tht means that they wont be able to make a good movie for the seccond book because nobody will understand it unless they read the book(which they should anyway. i do have to admit though. it was a good movie if you didn't read the book(but then you don't understand most of the stuff), but it was a bad movie to anyone who read the book.
and finnaly, the one part of the movie that made me soooooo mad was saphria named herself in the movie. in the book her and eragon we supposed to come up with a name together, and tht was important cause the name of brom's dragon was saphria. tht was an important scene, tht they left out! >:(
The books are so much better than the movie!!! I love the books, they are really good. I would say read the books first and if you wanted to watch the movie after. There were a lot of things left out in the movie, it just seemed very rushed to me too. I like the actors, especially Jeremy Irons and Robert Carlye. I am just sad that people think they are bad actors because of the movie, because infact they are really great actors!!! I think Arya had red/blonde hair and no elf ears was because the film makers didn't want her to look like Arwen, (Liv Tyler), because I think they look very much alike, well to me they do anyways. If you have watched the Special Edition version of the movie DVD and went on special features they have deleted scenes of Katrina and Roran and Eragon, and of the blessing of the baby by Eragon and the twins and Eragon. Which I thought was nice, althought it wasn't in the movie. I didn't although hate the movie, I still thought it was entertaing, but for sure the books are so much more entetaining!!! And if they make a second or third movie I will still watch them, but by all means please read the books first!!! BTW, WHEN IS THE THIRD BOOK COMING OUT?!?!?!?!
I Agree too.
when i first saw the movie i had not read the book yet and i was like " wow this looks really intersting" and it made me want to read the book. so i did and after that i completely dispised the movie!! i agree with almost everything you said. except saphira's voice, i accually thought it was wonderful, wise.
but almost to much cause saphira is really smart but they made you think she was like 100 years old smart. and she made many mistakes too.
i have no idea how they are gonna make a second movie from going off the first. seeing as the movie and Eldest have nothing in common.
i completly agree with you another thing i relised that in the movie eragon didn,t go to the sparring field (i think its called that)
I so agree with you on the movie being horrible! The could have made it a lot better than they did! Then agian the book will always be better than the movie because it has the most details, but they did destroy the movie. I don't care who the director was but they need to get a new director and remake the whole movie. They could have made it better in that short amount of time that they had made Eragon and Saphira could have been a lot more detailed. They could have even asked the new director of Harry Potter how they did thier dragons to make Saphira look a lot more real.
man th movie was so bad i wish i didn't even see it cause it made me a little mad that such a good book could be turned into such a horrible movie.
All right, the movie plot was horrendous but the actors were good. I can't believe how much they left out-they must have cut out half the book! Also, Arya doesn't leave the Varden in the book till Eldest. There's no way that they can make the sequel (movie) even close to accurate. The whole series is off track!
Arya should have had balck hair! The movie people could have at least TRIED to dye it. And they cut out Katrina and ALL the dwarves (all right,SOME). Yes, Anonymous, the acting was good.
Plus, the Ra'zac DIED in the movie. They really shouldn't have! Whoever made this movie did (on a scale of 1-10) a 2.
What about the movie all happening in one day. Arya clearly says at the end" Yesterday u were a farm boy today u r a dragon rider
The movie stunk! It did no justace to the book in almost any way. At the end of the movie i was just waiting for that part were Saphira broke through the Isidar Mithrim. I thought that would have been cool to see. But NOO! They took out almost all the really cool parts of the book!
ok, first, THE MOVIE STUNK!!!!!!!!!i mean the grapiks were good but so many things were left out. ive read almost all the posts but ur all forgetting one thing, i diddent see the dragon hold thing in faurthen dur, or the starr saplhere!!!!!!!!
I was sorely dissapointed with the movie. Saphira didn't just grow up in an instant, In the book she grew like a real animal!
I don't think it was a bad movie, just a bad adaption
wow...i almost cried the movie was so bad how could cp allow this to happen???? that was just horrible. first of all one thing that made me maddest was that arya could have saved BROM!!!!!!! what everyone said was completely true. i wonder if they just changed the movies name if anyone would of noticed? i think if i go in what was wrong about this movie it would take me a whole freaking day
personaly i hope cp just says no u cant make a second movie and murder how it went.
ok this is just sad out of all the movies that were based off of the books (lotr,bttb,narnia,harry potter etc etc) they all basicly followed the same plot they all had there differences and readers were mad what else is new. but come on eragon was a huge let down they changed so much i forget what book they were trying to base this movie off of.
CP if u read this please do not let them make another movie and slauter it. make sure it actuley follows how u ment it to go!!!!!
the movie was horrible. the only "ok"
character was brom. angela was especially horrible as well as arya.
"I have skills" and "you look fit for battle" were horrible lines. and you gotta be kidding me. Feathered wings?
it plainly mentions in the book arrow piercing the membrane like wings. though it might not have been on purpose, it was completely copying star wars. (i don't really care though, because the books are completely awesome any way) by the way, who thinks arya was more like an indian thatn an elf? i definatley think so. her outfits may have been cute but the only one that actually seemed "her" was her battle suit. the battle was pitiful too. so was durza.
Finally someone who agrees! I hated the movie soooo much with a passion! What was up at the end with Saphira almost dying? Also Eragon wasn't given a scar? The can't possibly make a second movie! Where was Elva also? I HATED HATED HATED IT! It was a complete let down!
They forgot about Katrina and what was with Eragons brother goin into the army? I hated how the Razac looked too. They were mummies! What was up with that?
also in the movie saphira didnt get bit in the neck she got hit with a hammer by and urgal and in the move eragon didnt get cut in the back
thet movie was the worst i have ever seen. since when did saphira name herself and suddenly become an adult? what happened to that one guy in Teirm? There was no white horse in the movie. Murtharg's scar was wrong. I don't know how they're going to have a 2nd movie because they left out to many important things in the first movie that carry over.
since when did saphira fly away and come back fully grown? she doesn't name herself either. they forget to cross the desert in the movie. murtagh's scar was on his back not on his stomache. they left out to many important things in the first movie to have a 2nd movie. everyone who hasn't read the book will be completely lost. even if you have read the book you'd probably be lost.
On a scale of 1-10 for the movie I would give it a -56727375247
the book would be a 10 though
the movie disusted me. i can't begin to name all the things that they got wrong. the casting was horrible (except for murtagh, i thought he was ok, and murtagh is my favorite characture so thats saying alot.)i was so made i almost walked out of the theatre. why did they even bother to make a movie if they didn't want to make it even similar to the book. this movie is insulting to those of us who call ourselves Eragon fans!
I have never been more disappointed in my life. the movie was terrible. i agree with everything you have said, but you left out Katerina, she wasn't in the movie at all! i don't know how they think they can make a second movie!!!! i think that Hollywood pretty much DESTROYED the book. watching it made me very scaried to go and see other movies made form books that are coming out, such as inkheart and twilight. i don't think that i will be seeing them!!
IT WAS THE DUMBEST MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't understand how Hollywood thought it would get away with such a huge let-down. They must have known that EVERY SINGLE ERAGON FAN IN THE WORLD WAS GOING TO SEE AT LEAST PART OF IT!!! Once it was out of theaters no loyal Eragon fan in his or her right mind would even CONSIDER buying it. Why waste your money on fools like whoever thought the movie might come to something. They left out some of the most important characters, like Elva, Solembum, and Orik. Well, even if Orik isn't TERRIBLY improtant, he's like my favorite character!! AND THE TWINS!!!!! Now nobody gets to hate them and have the pleasure of seeing Roran smash their brains!!! GAAAA!!!! I have to stop now.... I knew that if I commented I would go on a long idiotic rant. My point is I HATED that movie. It's a disgrace!!! It wasn't even really good as a movie wether you've read the book or not.
i completly agree with you the movie was horribal. If the were to make eldest into a movie they would have to remake eragon they didnt menchon the dwarves and eragon was suppose to go with aray to ellismera. The way eragon kills durza is completely diferent and horsts sons got taken away i mean what is that! the movie stunk
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