The first thing I want to say is I have wanted to do this for a month. The second thing, I am one person who has his own opinion and does not speak for the world. If you disagree with me, I don't care. My best friend disagrees with me. I am sorry if this hurts some feelings.
THE MOVIE WAS HORRIBLE!!!!! This will take a while.
1. Sloan seemed nice to Eragon in the movie and he didn't in the book.
2. Eragon is wearing a modern leather vest on a modern white shirt! He wears a tunic!
3. Garrow and the farm were supposed to be burned down, but everything was just broken. Brom burned it!
4.Soldiers never came to the village in the book but were there in te movie.
5. The Ra'zac looked like mummies that were alive and had maggots crawling on them. They are supposed to be disformed creatures with black robes with a hood so you can't see their faces except for a black beak.
6. Arya didn't come to the part of the wood where Eragon was and tell him where she was. He saw her in her cell.
7. Angela was stupid and was rich and in the wrong town. Where was Solembum?
8. Teirm, Yauzak (or Daret, I can't remember), Dras Leona, and Theriensford were forgotten in the movie.
9. The Ra'zac killed Brom long before Gil'ead.
10. Murtagh joined Eragon long before Gil'ead.
11. Gil'ead isn't a fortress, it is a settlement.
12. The dwarves aren't mentioned in the movie.
13. Arya had black hair in the book.
14. The Twins are not in the movie.
15. Saphira couldn't breathe fire until the end of the book.
16. The urgals had horns in the book.
17 Arya didn't leave at the end of Eragon.
18. No offence to the actors, it isn't their fault, the casting was bad and the script was bad.
19. Galbatorix isn't in the book.
20. Saphira's voice was wimpy.
21. Durza didn't ride anything.
I think that is it.
Please tell me what you think of the movie.
Eragon Book Three Predictions is another post by me.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 268 of 268O.K. to start of with I knew before I saw the movie that Hoolywood wasn't going to have every, tiny, ity, bity detail in the movie, because hey the Harry Potter movies don't, but there still the best. BUT THAT MOVIE WAS HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!! For one thing your all forgeting about is the sword was a steel blade that changes firey blood red every so aften, WITH A BLUE GEM. But the only change that Hollywood did make that I like was how Brom die on Saghira's back. My parents got the movie, and every time I see it I haft to complain, they forbed me to every wacht it every again. I think we all need to send e-mails to the produser and make him redo the movie the RIGHT WAY!!!
tj says
i totally agree with you. after the first 5 mins the whole movie jumped off into the deep end if i was chris i would be ticked.
I agree with everyone. During the whole movie the only thing i was thinking was "that wrong, that battles not in the right place or time!, broms not sopposed to do that! brom wasnt soppose to die like that. he wasnt even soppose to live long enough to find out about arya! and the beginning of the movie! and the way sapphira trasformed just made me so mad! it was just wrong in every way possible.
I agree... When I saw the movie I was... well... lets just say angry! How the heck could they forget ELVA!? And was Eragon crippled? didn't see it... God, I hate that movie! I saw it once and I don't want to see it again! But lets see if they can make number 2... I think that they ruined it for themself...
The movie was TERRIBLE...I totally agree wit u all! BUT no one is explaining why the makers did wat they did. They "tried" to get a varied movie and expect people to lov it. THE FANS DIDNT! also lord of the rings was a HIT and it followed the books exactly. Why couldnt eragon do the same thing. Why do u go into movies if u dont understand how to make one BASED ON A BOOK.
U think u r variying the plot well by doing this but it doesnt work with complex books....but then u cant afford to leave it out altogether.
I totally agree with u all...the movie was a shame. BUT no one is explaining WHY the makers did what they did. They were trying to make a varied book with a mixed plot. BUT that doesnt work with complex books. If u look at lord f the rings it follows thee book plot exactly and it was a hit. Why couldnt u do the same?
DO NOT BE A DIRECTOR if u do not know how to if the movie is based on a book.
but keep loving the books guys!!!!!
They left all of(what i thought was)the good parts
I agree completely. This has got to be the worst movie I've ever seen in my life!!!!! Everything was messed up! Sapphira becomes fully grown in like 15 seconds and no tellings on the story between Roran and Katrina. And holy cow, Eragon reaches the Varden and fights the last battle in like 5 minutes. Urgals=Fat guys with pony tails. Outrageous!!!!!
ya i watched like 10 min of da movie and it was sooo bad i havnt seen the rst of it ..i like to have my own mental image of most of the charicters....aria look like 30! she is supposed to seem like 20!!!!and i agree about the razak they were weirdly wrong!
lemmi know more about this new book..are the gona make an Eldest movie??
In the book rescuing Katrina was Rorans drive for everything he did in Eldest they have to mess that up in the second movie or just leave out Roran com[lete;y.
In the book Ajihad didn't want Nasuada fighting in Farthen'Dur, but in the movie she's standing right next to him.
They left out Jeod in the movie! He's the one who helped steal the Dragon Wing for the villiagers and plays significant parts later in the book
I totally agree with u. I first saw the movie and was very confused when i read the book.In the movie they didn't put the part when Eragon gets into the mind of arya and talks to her...they have done many mistakes and the movie was so small...although i liked it a bit...anyway i think u r right...
I agree with you. The people who made the movie made it lousy! Angela was in The wrong town, Murtagh was never seen before he helped Eroagon and Roran, and the movie WAS JUST PLIAN OUT MESSED UP!
The movie was a disaster, they missed so much in it. like when Eragon and Brom went to Teirm!
i was realy looking forward to the movie and you can imagine my disapointment
I agree with you on everything said here. Definately going to buy the third book when it comes out, but miught not watch the second film. Ah well.
Love the books they are my favourites! I even preferred them to Lord of the rings.
Not one comment on this and you will all live.
I agree one hundred percent. When i saw the movie I still hadn't finished the book and knew it was horrible. One thing they could have done was make it atleast a hour longer. It was only an hour and a half! for a five or six hundred(I can't remember) page book!
In the book Saphira doesn't just fly through the clouds and is suddenly six times her size! I know they had to shorten parts of it but come on!
that movie was the most disapointing thing i have ever seen. i dont how they can even make a second one as they kill off katrina's father dont they? he gets killed by the ra'zac? and what happened to the dwarf king?! he was the size of a normal man and was the only dwarf wtf?
dude, i dont want to watch the movie as eragon! but i do want to watch it. i watched the trailers and, well if i was asked to play a part in it, i would say ok but dont name the movie eragon totally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The movie was a lame attempt of the book and they had it all wrong!!!! In the movie Eragon learns a dozen different spells all at once, but in the book he can bearly lift a pebble and has to train over their whole journey.
I agree with you and also, I would just like to say to the people who made the movie that if your going to make a movie on a book then it would be a good idea to read it and also to stick with the ideas that are put into the book. It is not your story to change, so if you can't tell the story in the same way don't make the movie.
When I watched the movie I thought it was really cool; that's because I hadn't read the books. Now that I have, I realise they totally screwed it up. If their gonna make Eldest, their gonna have to remake Eragon, too much was left out, Eragon's wound or Solembum probably the most important
I agree so much with you! they forgot so much! like you said Snowfire, Orik, the twins an a whole alot of other characters arnt in there! they forgot the sandstorm scene, I personally liked that part. and when Eragon found out Brom was a rider was way off course! it was when he died he told Eragon. Saphiera didnt name her self in the book and she grew in the book in a set amount of time, in the movie all of a suddon she grew! they better make Eldest more into the book, and make up for the stuff they forgot in Eragon!
I agree, in spots i was laughing because they left so much stuff out. Like what ever happened to the hadarac desert. One day they are in Gil' ead and the next they are at the Beors. And what ever happened to the dwarfs i think they were there but there wasn't a hight difference at all. Also there was no password to get into the varden they just kind of ran in. Also they didn't even have arya smashing the star sapphire which would have mad a extremely cool action scene, and when did durza ride something. I also think that that eragon and arya were much to close sense in the book arya dosn't think it would work out.Thats what i think.
i agree with u soo much... my sis said the movie was great... which i guess it was for someone that dodnt read the book... alone rorans complete story was left out... i dont know how they are planning on making a second one with the scrap of information they had it the first... i was sooo disapointed... the whole storyline was changed... events happened at wrong times in wrong places... and some didnt even happen.... it was a discrase.... i hope CP complained about it....
just 2 clear this up even thiugh they dont mention the dwarfs you dou actually see a few dwarves in the pre battle scene
i agree with u so much man! i went and saw the movie in the theater with my dad who hadn't read the book yet and when we got out of the theater he didnt even know that Arya was an elf!! he also didnt know that there was such things as dwarfs either! and by the way the way eragon killed the shade was REALLY lame
I completely agree with everything you wrote. The movie was horrbile. One of the worst interpretations of a book I have ever seen.
the movie was horrible eragon was supposed to have brown hair not blonde it said so in the book and they forgot so much other stuff.(I dont think they read the book)it also never show how brom died and they never gave him the diamond tomb. it gave zarroc a saphire gem instead of a ruby
First of all I must admit i have never seen the movie. I have a reason not to, i saw the preview, i said this movie stinks. i read the reviews they said this movie stinks. so i tried my very hardest to convince my mom and dad not to go see it...i failed. my mom has read the book and she was disappointing, my dad on the other hand has not seen the movie. and im sure like many other ppl he was dragged there by the hopes that with everyone that loved the book that he would love the movie. boy was he wrong. i laughed at them for going, but i felt depressed at the huge let down this movie has been.
I completely agree on the whole book vs. movie, but you have to look at it in another scense. If they took the whole book and made it into the movie then it would be hours long, yes it would be very good and fun to watch, but you also have to look at how much money it takes to make a movie more than two and a half hours. I love the book and hate the movie, and I completely agree on on your ideas about it. Then again they also should have put more in, like what happened to the whole six months that Eragon and Brom were on the run and the training they did? The movie wrecked the book.
The movie was horible, a kid could have done a better job!!!
they can't make a movie out of eldest in Eargon the Ra' zac are dead
sereasly! if u cant make a movie rite don't make a movie !!!!!!!!!!!!
ok ok i know that everyone hates the movie I think so too but sadly it would take a reallllllly long time to fit everything into the movie that was in the book but i totaly agree that the movie really stunk.
I hated the movie. They left out way to many parts. Even though it cost a lot of money to make a movie more than two and a half hours they could've at least tried to make it good.
I totally agree with all of you that the movie was a big disappointment compared to the book. After watching the Lord of the rings movies, I expected them to follow to the book alot more closely in regards to Eragon, but it just seemed cheap and low budget. I hope Paolini gets smart and finds a better producer for the sequals. If he doesn't he is cutting his own throat. He has so much to gain by improving the movies.
I know! The movie was sooo bad. I know that Hollywood has a budget and everything but that doesn't mean you can totally change the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They left out all of the places that they (BROM & Eragon) visited. Ane they got Brom's death all wrong too. Durza doesn't kill him, the Ra'zac do!!! Man, Christopher must be Really Mad!!!!!!!!!!!
grrrrrr......... that movie was so horrible it made me puck think of all the wasted bits i know they cant do them all but plz try to leave somthing thats true what about that giant bat thing at the end, tell me when in the book is that mentioned ever the ending was horrible and so was every thing, if theyd at least tried to make the movie about the book i wouldnt be so annoyed i cant stress how much that movie sucked even if i hadnt read the book i wouldve hated it
I completely agree with you. At the end of the movie, Arya quotes "Yesterday you were a farm boy, today you are a hero." In the book it took them months to reach the varden, not 1 or 2 days! I think it was HORRIBLE!
i thought the movie was extreamly terible. so much so that i really hope that they dont do another movie because they left out so much that some things wont make scence. like were was katrina? and eragons uncle died of the flask of acidy stuff. were was that stuff anyways. that how they find the razac. they really should have made it longer and added so much more stuff that maby it would have been a good movie.
i would saw the movie was alright considering the fact that if they did add all those things it would have lasted like 10 hours i think they should have made the book into 2 movies and keep the detail of the books
they cant do the second movie without redoing the first one theres too much stuff left out!!!!
and anyway they left out the bit where eragon was trying to take his uncle back to the village and when the farm exploded arya was not a ginger in the book, saphira doesnt grow up in two seconds eragon teaches saphira how to talk they missed out the traders coming to carvahall
book rating 999999999999/10
movie rating -99999999999/10
I completely agree too, and Durza didn't kill Brom and it was next to a campfire not a building in the book!
the film was an i9nsult to th books! they completely left th plot. the razack didnt die and get sumuned(squse the spellings im in a hurry!) and duraz didnt make ayra call to eragon in a dream he came to her by accident. they missed to much and they cant do the second film andything like the second book they went to far of plot.
Katrina WAS in the movie, but it showed just a snippet of her giving a flirtatious smile to Roran or something...
The movie was a letdown for me. I think it had such great potential and it frustrates me that they could have stayed true to the book and made this awesome movie, but instead they left out King Hrothgar, they left out Solembum (who obviously plays quite an important part with the menoa tree and all that) and Arya... wasn't Arya. She was too... hopeful in the movie. In the book, she is like, emo. Also, Saphira isn't supposed to fly into the distance and come back this huge dragon... but that really isn't too big a deal. Its just the characters that they failed to let us get to know or the characters they left out completely.
Eragon is supposed to be like... 15
I really think that Hollywood did not thoroughly study the text of the book. Had you not read the books you would have not understood the REAL story. Unfortunately any sequel to the movie would flop because everyone knows they'd get it wrong too! Only a remake would fix it. Thank goodness for a great story in the books. The movie left out so many good parts that its almost a different story!
Eragon as a movie was ok but becasue it was supposed to be based off of the "BOOK" and then messed up so horribly.... well yeah.
I agree it was a total waste of Time and Money.
I completely agree with you. The movie came out in 2006 and I am still furious about how horrible it was! No movie is ever better then the book, but this was totally off. I pictured Saphira's voice much stronger and less whiney. I hated this movie. The movie is a -10 while the book is a 10!
P.S Can't wait for the third book to come out!
I completely LOVE the Eragon books but I HATE the movie because it dosent talk about his training at all and its way to different
They also left out Katrina in the movie
I agree with most of you the movie was a discrase to the book. Go ahead make it shorter, but they didn't need to destroy it.
1 Brom showed Eragon that he was a dragon rider Eragon didn't guess.
2 Eragon gets a huge cut on his back. That cut effects the next book a lot.
3 Everything else said is true
4 if they make another movie(for one i dont advise)they must be pretty rich since the last movie probably all most banck rupt them (that is a guess)
I could go on and on, on how hoprrible that movie was my friend and i were really mad about the movie. The only word that could sum it up is it sucked(sorry about the language)
Ok, I've read all of the comments and everyone has failed to mention one of the biggest changes. That change is in the book before brom dies he shows Eragon that he is a Dragon Rider, Eragon didn't guess that.That mad me so mad!!!!!! Also what the frig was wrong with Arya, in the book she was a strong girl with attitude in the movie she was a helpless wimp. I mean come on at least give her some attitude. Also in the book she really didn't care for Eragon while in the movie it seemed she was like... in love with him. Big difference!!!!If they even think on makeing another movie (if they do it will b bad for their health lol)they will have to makeup some reason Eragon has this gash on his back cause it is the biggest part of the book. I have to stop. book gets a 10 on a scale of 1-10 movie gets a -4576388 lol.
p.s. Get a clue
I want to kill the dirictor for what he did to the book. I was a PG13 book, they tried to make it PG. I hope their is no other sequel they wont make a dime off me.
OK.... I have 2 things that they need to do over about the movie. One Get a new director im sorry but who has heard of this director i mean get some one with a good histroy of movie making man and I think they should scrape this movie and redoe it or somthing call it a differant title Like Saphira or somthing... thats all could put more but then it would be to long lol.
if they cant make a movie right then they should not make one at all. i say change the name of the movie because it wasnt based on eragon. the director probably never even read the book because if he did. it might slightly resemble the book. only the character names were based on the book. and the actors looked nothing like they should have
i agree with you 105% the movie was a disgrace to the book i loved the book i loved the second book i hated the movie
You forgot to add that saphira dos int just grow in to a full sized dragon in the book, it takes her weeks to grow to the size to just carry Eragon
but no the producers had to make her inflate like a balloon and in a minute made her this huge deadly beast from a little tiny thing
also Brom doesn't kill the ra'zac in the book like in the movie
I agree with you! i mean, for a movie it was good, but they have to try and stay with the book a little more! IF (key word; IF) they are going to do another it would be super hard to add all of the missing details and the movie would be like 3 hours long!
I totally and completely agree with every one this is the worst movie that came from a book i have ever seen nothing was right and the only thing i think they did right was when they made Saphira (the way she looked). But they messed up on everything else. I really REALLY hope they can redo the movie. And this time get someone that can direct a move. I think they picked the right actors for Eragon (the way he looked) and Murtagh (the way he looked)but the actor for Arya was horriable she didn't even look like the way she was dis-scribe in the book. i really do hope they make another movie and this time more like the book i understand u can't put everything from the book in the movie but at least try to make it somewhat alike. i think Christopher Paolini makes a wonderful writer but lets leave the directing to a professional.
i hated the movie it compleatly sucked! i mean how are they going to make a second book? through the whole movie i kept on saying it was all wrong! And with the harry potter series too!
The movie was HORRIBLE!!!! ???????They forgot EVERYTHING good in the book! Shame on whoever wrote the movie! If I was CP, I wouldn't have given them permission to make a movie unless they included the good and important stuff!
Tell you the truth i watched the movie before reading the books so when i started reading the books it was difficult trying to imagine Arya and Eragon but now its easy as pie after reading all three books.So yes DIRECTORS NEED TO READ THE BOOKS HES MAKING A MOVIE OVER!The movie sucked and they need to get the appearances right and places oh and characters! I agree the movie was and is terrible.
I understand they needed to trim the movie from the book. Maybe they should've made it a series like GOT.
Almost every decision in the film was the opposite of the book. Brom wanted to AVOID the varden in the book not go there straight away.
Brom killed Garrow, wtf?
Eragon couldn't save Brom due to his lack of the ancient language. in the film Arya was there she COULD save him!
Also if Brom died and Arya was awake Arya would've taken Brom straight to Elesmera so Oromis could train him NOT the Varden.
Rorans first lines were 'Eragon i'm leaving' and boom he's gone, i couldn't stop laughing!
Galbatorix sent the razaac to kill /EragonSaphira. The ONE thing he DIDN'T want with her being the ONLY female dragon left. He wanted MORE riders not none.
Razaac are dead, goodbye a large portion of book 2.
Saphira didn't sounds like a dragon at all.
Eragon knew ancient language without being taught.
No notable mention of the mental link between the two (Eragon had to use a spell to see through Saphiras eyes)
No mention of the rock of kuthian.
All the Characters personalites were completely wrong. Brom was a jerk, Arya was a flirt, Angelina wasn't happy, funny, friendly and querky.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. I honestly don't know if the director even read the first book, he most certainly didn't read the second. 100 million dollars 100,000,000$ and that is the finished product, i was in hysterics when i read that. That movie is a "what could have happened in a parallel universe of Eragon" It's simple not the same story.
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