The book will be coming out September 23, 2008!
Today I thought that I would occasionally do book predictions, not only report on books. One of my favorite series is Eragon. The third book should be coming out in maybe a year. Here are some things I think will happen.
Since I now have over 1000 posts and read both books again, I have new ideas. My old list is below.
1. The Green Dragon Rider is Arya because in Deathwatch in Eragon, he sees a male and female boarding a ship with dragons in the sky.It also would make sense because there hasn't been a female rider mentioned, and there hasn't been a new elf rider for a while. A reason that many people say is that Arya also has green magic, and magic color is the same as dragon color. The color of magic means nothing until you have bonded with the dragon.
2.Oromis and Glaeder will die. They are old and Oromis said that he was lucky to live to train Eragon. They are both crippled as well.
3. Roran. He will save Katrina and get married. He will become ruler of Alagaesia because he has blood of the first human king. He is also a natural leader.
4.Eragon will probably bring someone back from the dead through the vault of souls. The other prediction of Solembum's may have already passed. Eragon got his elf-like strength from under the tree. Some of you may say "It was not totaly beneath the tree," but it doesn't have to be under the roots. It neither says that the weapon is a physical weapon.
5.Murtagh somehow turns good and marries Nasuada. They both like each other.
6. Elva has an important role.
7. Saphira and the green dragon mate.
Just To Clear Some Things Up.
1.The next Dragon is Green because CP said so already.
2.The new book does have Glaeder on the cover.
3. CP did not copy Lord of the Rings and Star Wars, many books/movies have similar plots.
4.The title is Brisingr.
5.This is NOT the last book.
Old Predictions
1. Eragon and Roran get Katrina and defeat the Ra 'zak.
2. The Varden get the green egg.
3. Roran hatches the green egg.
4. Eragon completes his training with Oromis.
5. Eragon and Roran get Rider Swords.
6. The two things Solumbum tells Eragon come true.
7. Murtagh MIGHT turn good.
8. Galbatorix is defeated.
Please tell me what you think will happen.
Eragon Book vs. Movie is also a post by me.
Shurtugal.com has many predictions
1 – 200 of 1630 Newer› Newest»I think it's pretty obvious that galbatorix is eventually destroyed but that in the end Eragon and Saphira are left to protect the final dragon egg and find and educate the new rider. I dont think the rider will appear in the book. I also think orimis will die in the 3rd book, perhaps protecting eragon from a fatal spell. I really hope that orik becomes the new dwarf king because he mentioned that Hrothgar made him his heir once his parents died.
these however are mear sugestions, as I am only doing this because I have just finished Eldest for the 1057th time and have nothing to do untill the 3rd book comes out!!
Se onr sverdar sitja hvass!
I also think that the ancient language will come in to play. If you remember back in the first book when Brom said that people have searched for the all powerful name of the ancient language but nobody has found it. I believe that will have something to do with the death of Galbatorix.
I believe that since Brom made such a big deal about not bringing poeple back from the dead, that is how somebody important will die. I think that Eragon or another rider will kill Shruikan and Galbatorix will try to bring his dragon back from the dead which kills him. I also think that Saphira may die, but Eragon will be the first person to bring something back from the dead.
I totaly agree that Galbatorix will die. It has to happen. If he doesn't happen, he will be under guard. Oromis very may well die in the third, but I think he will die fighting Galbatorix. Possibly protecting Eragon. Orik would make a good dwarf king, I agree. He was Harothgar's adopted son, so it would make sense.
I love your predictions.
That the ancient language name being related to the death of Galbatorix is an excellent thought! I forgot about the name being unknown.
Great prediction
Well, Shruikan dying is something I havn't thought of. I doubt Saphira will die, and if she does, I doubt she would be brought back from death.
Great Prediction!
I think its obvious that someone close to eragon will die (Arya or Saphira?), and that he will attempt to bring that person back.
he will slowly loose energy because he cast a life-returning spell and can't stop the magic from flowing into it.
in sheer desparation, he will find the rock of kuthian (Solembum, page 206 in Eragon) and speak his name to be admitted to the vault of souls. there, he will bring Arya's or Saphira's "departed soul" back from the dead
VERY good thought. Even if someone dies, and Eragon brings them back, He may bring back others close to him and good dragon riders.
Great Prediction!
Roran can't be the next rider cos Saphira says in "Eldest" that if Saphira/ Eragon falls in love with someone, it will affect the other. Therefore, if Roran is the next rider and Saphira mates with the third dragon, Eragon would fall in love with Roran. Yeah, exactly.
Not necessarily. If there were only male riders, then the same issue would have come up in the past, showing that the riders don't fall in love. The riders wouldn't dislike eachother, but would not be in love.
I think Arya will be the next dragon rider. how else will Eragon be loved by Arya unless they're braught together by their dragons.
Unless I am totally forgeting something, the riders wouldn't fall in love unless they did so on there own. The dragon causes them to not hate each other, so they would be friends. Plus, Roran has Eragon and Murtagh's blood. If it isn't Roran, I do agree that it wil be Arya.
What if Katrina is the next rider?
she'll be in Galbatorix's clutches, and he may let her handle the last egg. if that happens, she has proved that she can probably withstand Galbatorix's threats with her courage and fiery temper. she might even escape on her own without Eragon's help.
Remember that when thr Ra'zac came to kidnap Katrina, she faught back. DEFINITELY the trait of a rider. most women in that time were weak, and left fighting up to the men.
Does anybody know when the third book is coming out?
I think that Eragon will find out what Brom's last fadeing words were.
I think that Brom might have written a letter to Eragon saying what he was trying to to say when he died and left it to somebody he trusts the most after he died to give to him when the time is right.
I think the third book is coming out july-september 2007
BIG question: in book two, Arya avoided Eragon after he made a fairth of her.
was she (a) avoiding him because she didn't want to snub him flat out.
(b) avoiding him because she was afraid her presence would disrupt his training.
(c) avoiding him because she was afraid her own feelings of atraction for him would burst out if given the opportunity.
(d)avoiding him 'cause he smelled REALLY bad.
Post your responses!!!!
That would make sense. I kink of hope not because Galbatorix could make her swear in the ancient language like Murtagh.
I could have told you a couple months ago what I thought was going to happen, but I've read so many books since then, your prediction is as good as mine.
Okay, first of all I can understand why some people say Murtagh becomes good. And I agree, but I think Murtagh and Galbatorix get Eragon and Saphira pinned and right before murtagh kills Eragon Murtagh swings his sword to the side and mortally wounds Galbatorix. But this will trigger the vow Murtagh made to Galbatorix hence causing Murtagh to die and Eragon kills Galbatorix due to his mortal wound.
i disagree with corey. roran can't be the next rider. it is true that murtagh,roran, and eragon share blood from eragon and murtagh's mother but roran doesn't have morzan's blood so he can't be a rider.
i disagree. roran can't be the next rider. yes he does share blood with eragon and murtagh but that is only through selenea (eragons mother). but he doesnt have morzan's.
Roran will be the next king of alagasi. He ahs royal blood. If you recall from the story of palencal valley. The final battle will makes its way back to the elf city. Where Eragon will use the weapon under the tree. That is the root system, drawing upon all the life of the land to help him win his final battle.
i think that roran may get the last dragon egg because he has murtagh and eragons blood! but if roran doesnt get the egg it will probably be ayra! A far fetched guess bbut what about orik getting the last egg! yes the dwarfs dont like to fly but it doees say in the book that no dwarf has ever become a rider!and orik could always get used to it!!!!!!
dwarves can't be riders, they weren't part of the bonding between humans and dragons/elves and dragons
I think that Eragon will kill Galbatorix with Murtagh and Eragon will leave as it is in his dream with Arya, and Murtagh with Nasuada will rule the Empire. I also believe that Brom figured out what the words of ultimate power were and said them to Eragon when he died and Eragon will use them to kill Galbatorix. And I think that there is a clan of Dragons living in the Spine Mountains because Galbatorix once sent his legions into the mountains and they didn't come out and that would explain why Eragon liked it there. And if Eragon is going to bring someone back to life it would be Brom.
An excellent suggestion. That might happen, but only by accident. However much Murtagh might like Eragon and once hated Galbatorix, he may have sworn in the ancient language to kill Eragon.
It may not be Morzans blood that the rider needs.If you remember to the first book, three people could talk to Solembum. Eragon, Angela, and Selena. Maybe Roran only needs that to be a rider.
Roran or Eragon will probably be king, most likely Roran because he is older and his bloodline, as you mentioned. There also is a chance that there will be no king at all. There may be a few people to lead alagaiesa.
All of those are likley possibilities. The Dragons possibly being in the Spine is a great prediction.
I think that something anticlimax will happen such as Galbatorix staying in power or Eragon dying or something like that. I also think Oromis will die and Eragon will have to finish his training with another elf. I think that Eragon's name will play a big part in the story because it was the name of the first dragon rider.
I think Arya will be the next Rider, because at the beginning of the chapter Deathwatch in Eragon, Eragon dreams that a tall amn and woman board a ship, surrounded by elves, sailing away from the land with two dragons encircling in the sky. It fufills Angela's prophecy that Eragon will leave the land, and be romanced with a noble woman. Plus, it fits that the last egg is male and the two dragons, Saphira and the new green one, are in love as are their riders. Just a thought!
i think that Roran will be the next Rider, because although he doesnt have Morzan's blood, he does have Selena's blood, and i think that Roran will be the first and only Rider to fight with a hammer instead of a sword, but if it isn't Roran it will be Arya, because there really isnt anyone esle left.
I think that its very possible that in the elves' fighting, Islanzadi dies and Arya becomes queen near the end of the book. Also, Eragon could become royalty later and alagaesia may be partially destroyed in the "last battle", forcing eragon (leader of the humans possibly) and Arya (leader of the elves) to bring their races to a new home where they begin the new race of riders with their two dragons. This new home being the place in the prophecy that Angela said Eragon would sail away to never come back.
also if you will all notice, the third book is called ELDEST... eldest meaning the oldest of three or more, not two, i think that murtagh and eragon have a third sibling might be the next rider
I think that Arya will be the next rider because as stated before riders will fall in love as well.
I beleive that brom is Eragons father.Just because murtagh said he was in the ancient language doesnt meen anything you can still tell an untruth in the ancient language thats what eragons poem was about at the blood oath festival to prove you can still lie.Murtagh could say it because that is what he truly beleives so it is the truth to him.plus Blagden the raven told eragon"Father like son both blind as bats" meaning that Brom didnt see Morzans betrayal,and eragon didnt see murtaghs.another He couldnt be talkin about Morzan as his father, because he never knew morzan.Riders trained at Vroengaurd so he never met morzan. Blagden knew brom because brom went to Ellesmera to get the help from the elves.Another quote from blagden"while two may share two,and one of two is certainly one,one might be two."Eragon and murtagh may share two parents morzan and selena.selena is definately the mother of both.one father might be two brom and morzan.Brom would certainly have had time with selena while morzan was away searching for saphira's egg,also that would explain why brom lived in carvahall to watch over his own son.brom could not have been open to eragon about it because if he was then word would spread to the king that a rider and son still live.Then Galbatorix would have flown to carvahall himself to finish the problem right there.
Roran will rule alagaesia because of his royal bloodline.while Eragon leaves on the boat with arya to the original home of the elves alalea.that is my prediction.
for one thing the last egg is not green its white. I do not think that murtek will turn good because he has taken oaths that can never be broken also the person who makes the swords has also taken an oath never to make anoth sword so if eragon gets a rider sword it wont be from her.
the last person was kinda dumb no offense but it Chris p. said the book would show a green dragon, this could be ad ragon in the egg or one hiding in the spine, but the person wont need to make another sword because he will get broms old blue sword from under the menoa tree, and i liked the theory that sapphira or arya will die and eragon will go to the vault of souls to bring them back, but my guess is that he will also release an evil person and/or thing that will have to be killed. i also liked the theory that alagaesia will be partyly destroyed and the elves and humans will leave for a new unknown land and make the new riders and stuff, but i also think that alagaesia will only be partly destroyed, and the dwarfs will stay and inhabit the mountains and subterranian places, while the urgals and Kull inhabit the other places, and that in an epilogue the elves and humans arrive at the unknown land to see glimpses of wild, almost barbaric creatures riding wolves and thing which one declares themselves as the Gray Folk that oromis spoke about in eldest and if that doesnt happen the secret of the gray folk we will find out. (is anyone else as curious as me?)
and i think if alagaesia isnt destroyed roran will be the new king because hes a direct descendent of king palencar, as is eragon who just like one person in every generation thats a direct descendent of king palencar will be betrayed by a relative.
wow, um okay alot of opinions here. well i think that ayra or roran will be the next rider because you know they are like conected and stuff. i like the idea of ayra and eragon going across the sea, but i dont know...i think that eragon will try to bring someone back from the dead, and succed, the weakend, and then goes to both the places solobumn spoke of, including the vaults of souls. i think it is very unlikely that brom is eragons father. uhhh maybe, just a guess, in the final battle, an "army" of dragons come to aid from the other lands, re-enacting the war between the dragons and the elves. oh yea and about katrina, well i think that maybe she will escape on her own, cause shes a fighter, ha. or maybe not, eragon and roran could save her, killing the ra'zac and such....galbatorix must die! hm it would just be wrong if he didnt. im not sure who will be king/queen but i cant wait to find out. i think thats bout it.....
I think at the beginning of the third book, Eragon and Saphira will go back to the eleven city. There he will get a blue sword and finish his training with Oromis. While there I think the Murgath will show up and try to capture Eragon and try to kill him. To protect Eragon, I think Oromis will sacrifice himself and die. I think Gledar might die, but I have a felling that Arya or Roran or Eragon might inherited him. After that happens I think that Eragon will go with Saphira, Arya, Gledar, Orik, and Roran, to track Murgath down and kill Galbatrax. Then they will take the green egg. The green egg will probably hatch to Arya or Roran. I think it will go to Arya and it will turn out as a male dragon. After it hatches, they will go track down the Racza and rescue Katrina. Then they will go back to the eleven city and Eragon inherits Oromis’s house. He will start training the new rider with his knowledge and things that Oromis left behind. I think also Murgath will come and apologize and join them. At the end of the book I think Eragon will propose again to Arya and this time she accepts and they will give birth to a new rider.
Oh, and what Solombe says Eragon will probably encounter them both. And with the Vault of Souls, I think Galbatrax will stab Mugath and Eragon brings him to life. This is because since Murgath is Eragon’s brother, Eragon cares about him.
I also think it might be Orik who gets the green dragon egg. Even though dwarves don’t ride dragons, he rode Saphira and got used to it. Also the 2 other eggs hatched to 2 males.
If Roran becomes the new rider he probably will get a green hammer instead of a green sword.
I also think it is quite true that Brom is Eragon grandfather. Why is because Brom was always nice to Eragon.
I highly doubt it, but it is possible that the Kull leader would become a rider. I also think that the elf city will be partly destroyed, and Aryas mother would go with it. Then the elves will rebuild the city stronger than ever and build a few new smaller cities. The dwarfs will live still underground, and the humans and kulls will live together happily.
At the end I think Eragon will change into a complete elf, because even before the blood oath ceremony, he was changing into an elf.
Whoever said that Brom was Eragon's father was brilliant. I could never have figured that one out by myself. Whoever said Orik was going to be the next rider was delusional. Dwarves can't be riders, however humans were taken in to the bond between elves and dragons so it is a possibility. I think Arya will be the next rider and i also think she and Eragon will hook up through their dragons and go to Alalea and live happily ever after. I also think Eragon will not be able to finish his training with Oromis because Oromis himself said that he did not have long to live. I think that every elf still living after the final battle will leave along with Arya and Eragon. However before they leave they must train a new generation of riders. I think in the end that Murtagh will have Eragon and Saphira kill him and Thorn. I also think that Arya and Eragon with their respective dragons will team up to defeat Galbatoricks and Shruikan. That's all folks. May your swords stay sharp!
I don't think that something that totaly weird would happen, but something a little les severe is very possible.
Well,hm when someone said that at the final b attle a whole army of dragons will come and help! I think that a little less than a n army will come! I also think when Eragon leaves Alagasia he will go to the land from where the dragons came! Maybe a little far fetched but it could happen cause we dont know where the dragons came from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is a good thought, but also if someone else is the rider, they may be on board too, just not in the picture.
I totally agree.
Very possible, but there would be too many people and not enough boats.
Well, that is a good thought, but there is a pattern of 6 letters starting with E (the third book is rumored to be Empire) and elder sounds weird.
1. Most riders were men during the time of the riders, and the men never fell in love! They would just be good friends, almost brothers.
2. That must have taken a while to figure out. It would be very possible for Brom to be Eragons father.
3. I agree that Roran will rule.
Actually, I have proof that the egg and dragon is green from Christopher Paolini himself. Although you can not lie flat out, there are ways to get around the ancient language.
All of that is very possible. I had forgotten about the gray folk until you mentioned them.
Once again, great prediction.
You are probably the first person who totally thinks what I think. I think Roran has to be the rider and Eragon will kill Galbatorix.
Wow. Those all could be true.I need to gather up what I think and retell my prediction now that have read so many other's that were great like yours.
The rider is Arya because she had green magic in the first book
Murtagh will attack Surda. The eleves would have made it there and can fight him. Eragon and Roran go to Helgrind, kill the Ra'Zac, and save Katrina. Galbatorix finds out where Eragon is, and chases him. Eragon and Roran flee to Esmerilla, and Galbatorix finds out where it is but can't take it by himself, so he returns to Ur'baen. While this is going on, Jeod and Arya will invade Ur'baen, Jeod will show Arya where the 3rd egg is, and sacrifice himself to let Arya escape with the egg. The egg then hatches for Roran, and he and Eragon go to Esmerilla. Galbatorix and Murtagh attack Esmerilla, and Murtagh is about to fight Eragon. Oromis jumps out, and challenges Murtagh to a magic duel. As the duel starts, Oromis instantly uses a killing spell before breaking into Murtagh's mind. Murtagh has a split second, and casts his own killing spell. Murtagh and Oromis both die. Meanwhile, Galbatorix kills Islandi and is about to kill Vanir when Eragon finds Brom's sword under the Menoa tree. Eragon, Roran, and Arya challenge Galbatorix and he flees. While flying away, Glabatorix fires a killing spell at Eragon. Glader, who lived though Oromis' death, blocks the spell and dies. Vanir was fatally wounded, tells Eragon his true name, then died. Eragon finds the vault of souls, opens it with his name, and Vanir, Oromis, Glader, Murtagh, Thorn, Brom, Vrael, and the original Eragon give Eragon their powers, and Eragon goes and kills Galbatorix. Afraid of Eragon's power, Arya flees to another land, and Roran and Eragon follow her, fullfulling Eragon's dream.
I think galbatorix's death will have something to do with the name of the dragon of the first rider, eragon.
Concerning the third dragon egg, I am very sahure that Ayra will be the new rider for two reasns, because there are small hints that Ayra is gonign to play a part, and that both Ayra's magic and the color of the dragon is green/emerald.
That all would make sence, excpt that Eragon goes to Ellesmera twice.
Those last three comments, great thought.
I think that Some one that we have not met untill the thred book. i don't think that arya could be the next rider becouse she was the one who was holding the egg that saphira was in so if she was to be the next rider it would alredy have happend withe the first egg. Roran couldn't be the next rider becouse i think he is mad that his father dies becouse Eragon hid saphira from them and i think he will be the nexed king of aglasia. i think that Eragon will leav to two places. A) to the island where the riders once lived or B) to the land were the elves came from. ithink that the dragons are not gone just hiding untill the moment is right.i realy hop that Murtagh will find a way to dalet his promis to Galbatorix and join Eragon.i think that areya will not end up with Eragon becouse she saind in the scond book that someone planted her some of her faverat flawers, i think she still likes that elf (i don't remeber if he is dead or no)
i think in the bolt of souls that when Eragon gose to open the bolt he will have help from Eragon him self ( the first rider) and saphira will have help from the first dragon.
because he lost it and he could have lost it there
Eragon can not become kind because he will leave aligaesia forever.
paolini said that there are clues to who it is in both of the first two books so it cant be a new character or anybody introduced in the second book. They had to be in both books so far.
nasuada could also be the next rider... she is also of royal blood
who says that eragon is going to live, he might use all of his magic and kill himself along with Galbatorix or saphira might die and take eragon with her.
i think neswarda will be kidnaped or killed and eragon will be the next leader of the varden. Galbitorix will storm the elfen forest with murtag and his army and then eragin will storm urilbeinn and take the green dragon egg and the egg will hatch for atya. eragon and arya will kill galbitorix and rorin will becom king
i think that roran could not be the next rider because he was neven as skilled as eragon and he is older and would take him longer to leans, by my opinion. and i dont remember anything about roran having royal blood. selena was realated to garrows side of the family but they werent royal. only morzan was, kinda and selena wasnt treated very niceley. so roran hasnt got royal blood.
I might be right.
i think that Galbatorix is using his kills to strengthen him. if you remember, when brom told the story of the fall of the dragon riders, he said, "together they faught any dragon rider they met. with each kill their strength grew."
he also said that when galbatorix removed vrael's head, power "rushed" through his veins. i think this is foreshadowing, telling us that Galbatorix has found some way of inserting the rider's spirits into his body, so that he can use their power. this also means that the riders souls might still be alive. i think paolini also was driving at the same point when he said that murtagh's mind seemed to hold a multitude of spirits, begging for release. Galbatorix has shared his power with Murtagh
In one of Eragons dreams he has a vision of 2 dragons flying over a sailing ship as it is cast off to sea. Sorry but I dont know the page, its in book 1 after the razac kill Eragons father.
No offense but the vault of souls is obviously for Eragon to gain more power because he is to weak to kill Galbatorix or save murtagh. The power is given to him by the riders of the past just like what the dragons did at the blood oath celebration. The vision Eragon has about a man being left behind is probably at the ending of Eragon series. I've have read many fantasy books and alot of them have the ending of other races leaving the land except to humans for it is their time to rule. The third book is probably not the last book since theres no notice that i have seen stating that theres only three books in the series. So i think what happens in book three is katrina gets rescued by Eragon and Roran and also Eragon the weapon(obviously a sword)from under the Menoa tree. While there he gets training from Oromis again. The vault of souls might be opened in the third depending what he's gonna do next.Brom could be Eragons father. If theres is evidance it is in the third book. Orik would probably be King since Hrogthar, or however you spell it, made orik his heir, but Orik, in the end of Eldest,said that theres will be a uproar in the dwarf clans on who in King. Eldest is obviously Murtagh. What i would like to know is if Eragon becomes leader of the Varden since Nasuada make him her heir. Also I have a small belief that nasuada marries Murtagh since there are hints about they said about eachother. What really confuses me is that the couple of elves the queen sent to protect Eragon, what role will they have in the future. The third rider could be alyone really. Though i might be a femail. Theres no evidance that a femail rider ever existed in Eragon and Eldest.
i think that after galbatorix gets killed arya and eragon will get married and they will save katrina
i think it will go like this
1. eragon finishes his training
2. he and roran will kill the razzac and get katrina
3. eragon and arya and other people
get the oter eggs
4. one will hatch for roran and ayra
5. then eragon and arya will get married that;s what i think at least
no offense, but its the inheritance TRILOGY..MEANING THREE BOOKS...
u guys should look at this site. the guy gives much evidence http://www.shurtugal.com/?id=trilogy/book3/theories
i dont want to be mean, but what about the child? the one with the silverbrow? i think she may get the egg. she wont want to change back, and then the egg will hatch for her. but thats my idea
maybe galborix attacks surda and the varden are losing but the elves arrive en force to turn the battle with the new rider and eragon.
I think that in the third book, Eragon will wake up and the whole thing will be a dream. He is just a normal kid with a wild imagination growing up on Earth.
Roran can't be a rider cause he is probably to old and he likes using his hammer. all riders weapons were swords.
how does everyone know that the third dragon is gonna be green?
Well i think eragon will finish off his training with oromis, Murtagh and eragon will fight again but eragon will either kill murtagh or be able to free him from galbatorix. Eragon will steal back the third egg and it will hatch for *someone* possibly roran, and no it does NOT have to be a sword but it was usually the case with riders for their weapons to be swords. After this eragon will kill galbatorix and leave with arya to the eastern lands and never return to alagasia and murtagh/MAYBE roran will be left to train the new rider and rebuild the dynasty of riders
just because all the riders used swords doesnt mean that Roran if he does become the next rider cant or wont use a sword! I mean at first only elves were riders but then humans became riders to!!!( not meaning this in a mean way)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think that eragon and murtagh have a yunger sister/brother and she or he is the next rider of the green dragon. then the three with morzans blood shall kill the king.
i think arya will hatch the green egg and it will be a male and will be saphiras mate. arya always uses green magic there for a green dragon or she has already hatched the green dragon
the green rider cant be a younger brother or sister unless they were mentioned in the first two books.
I think of course it is obvious that Galbatorix is killed and that
what Solembum said might come true and that the last egg migth be rescued and that Murtagh will be
killed and that someone he loves
might be killed by Murtagh.
Atra esterni ono thelduin/Mor'ranr
lifa unin hjarta onr/Un du evarinya
ono varda!
i know this is prolly far-fetche but maybye when solembum reffered to the "roots" of the menoa tree perhaps he ment its history?
I think that roran will be the next rider. he shares blood with both eragon and murtagh even though it is through selenea.she is one of three people who talk to solembum.he'll have the green egg that mates with saphira that egg goes to none other than eragon and arya's son so the family blood continues. and he gets the egg when he frees katira
I think the next egg has to go to eragon's son so he'll be starting the rise of riders kinda like what the first rider did.
O just because in the vesion thing that eragon had he saw himself and the noble woman that would be arya. the two dragons those are his son's and saphira. you just don't see the son because he is still young so he is still short.
when erragon goes to get the weapon under the tree it isn't like a sword, but a peice of knowledge(galbatorix's true name, and the name of the of the ancient language) the best weapon of all(rememder when oromis siad that the most important weapon is knowledge I think he knows what eragon will find there that why he said that to prepare him for it when he dies)
knowing galbatorix's true name he makes him free murtagh from his spell then with murtagh on his side and roran there to they together defeat galbstorix.
A) the new rider has to be an elf think about it it takes way to long for a human(on the good side) to train to be of any help to the varden.....
B)in book two Saphira says that whoever Eragon chooses to be with will affect her to so it has to be a woman elf rider and
C)and in book 1 it says in Angelas prediction and i qoute "An epic romance is in your future,extrodinary,as e moon indicates-for that is a magical symbol-and strong enough to outlast the empire...(and farther in the qoute)but your love is of noble heritage.She is powerful, wise, and beautiful beyond compare" now with that said it has to be arya..........
All great thoughts. The egg is green because Chris P. said so. By the way, that theories page is not always true. The things on there are as much proof as the things on this page.
Hear me out on this one. A lot of you are screaming one very misinformed and meaningless thing right now: "Murtagh said that Morzan was his father in the ancient language, and since you can�t lie in the ancient language, Morzan must be his father!" However, this is not at all true, and in reality Morzan is not Eragon�s father. It is Brom.
First, you must understand that it is possible to tell an untruth in the ancient language. You see, just because Murtagh said it in the AL doesn't mean that it's true, just that he believed it was true. That was the entire reason Eragon wrote a poem for the Agaeti Blodhren: so Islanzadi could tell Eragon that it was possible to tell untruths in the AL, if you really believed that they were true. So because Murtagh has seen no evidence showing that Eragon could not also be a son of Morzan, and because they do share a mother, he believes that Eragon was also the son of Morzan.
Now, for the extensive evidence:
P. 546
"Son and Father alike, both blind as bats".
This is about betrayal. Brom was blind to Morzan's betrayal, and Eragon was blind to Murtagh's betrayal.
Consider this quote from page 280 of Eldest: (Oromis) "Morzan was my greatest failure. Brom idolized him. He never left his side, never contradicted him, and never believed that he could best Morzan in any venture. Morzan, I'm ashamed to admit-for it was within my power to stop-was aware of this and took advantage of Brom's devotion in a hundred different ways. He grew so proud and cruel that I considered separating him from Brom. But before I could, Morzan helped Galbatorix to steal a dragon hatchling, Shruikan, to replace the one Galbatorix had lost, killing the dragon's original rider in the process. Morzan and Galbatorix then fled together, sealing our doom."
"You cannot begin to fathom the effect Morzan's betrayal had on Brom until you understand the depth of Brom's affection for him. And when Galbatorix at last revealed himself and the Forsworn killed Brom's dragon, Brom focused all of his anger and pain on the one who he felt was responsible for the destruction of his world: Morzan."
I think that sums it up.
Riddle #3 - This is the most important one
p. 546
"While two may share two,
And one of two is certainly one,
One might be two."
While two sons (Eragon and Murtagh) "may" share the same two parents (Morzan and Selena),
And one parent of two parents, the Mother-Selena, is certainly the same one parent of both sons,
One parent, the Father, might be two Fathers (Brom and Morzan) each having one of the sons.
What in the world could this riddle be about if it doesn't support the two-father theory?
One last fact: Blagden never met Morzan so he could not have been talking about him. Morzan was never blind. He knew exactly what he was doing. He was after power. Brom was the only one who was blind by his insane idolization of Morzan.
Eragon pages 281-282:
While they spoke, Saphira crawled into the cave and greeted Eragon. She was glad to see him, but there was deep sadness in her thoughts and words. She laid her big blue head on the floor and asked, "Are you well again?"
"Not quite."
"I miss the old one."
"As do I... I never suspected that he was a rider. Brom! He really was an old man - as old as the Forsworn. Everything he taught me about magic he must have learned from the riders themselves."
Saphira shifted slightly. "I knew what he was the moment he touched me at your farm."
"And you didn't tell me? Why?"
"He asked me not to," she said simply.
Eragon decided not to make an issue of it. Saphira never meant to hurt him. "Brom kept more than that secret," he told her, then explained about Zar'roc and Murtagh's reaction to it. "I understand now why Brom didn't explain Zar'roc's origins when he gave it to me. If he had, I probably would have run away from him at the first opportunity."
"You would do well to rid yourself of that sword," she said with distaste. "I know it's a peerless weapon, but you would be better off with a normal blade rather than Morzan's butchery tool."
"Perhaps. Saphira, where does our path go from here? Murtagh offered to come with us. I don't know his past, but he seems honest enough. Should we go to the Varden now? Only I don't know how to find them. Brom never told us."
"He told me," said Saphira.
Eragon grew angry. "Why did he trust you, but not me, with all this knowledge?"
Her scales rustled over the dry rock as she stood above him, eyes profound. "After we left Teirm and were attacked by the Urgals, he told me many things, some of which I will not speak of unless necessary. He was concerned about his own death and what would happen to you after it. One fact he imparted to me was the name of a man, Dormnad, who lives in Gil'ead. He can help us find the Varden. Brom also wanted you to know that of all the people in Alagaesia, he believed you were the best suited to inherit the Riders' legacy."
Tears welled in Eragon's eyes. This was the highest praise he could have ever received from Brom. "A responsibility I will bear honorably."
Clearly Brom has told Saphira of things that he wouldn't want revealed to Eragon until he is mature enough. Eragon would undoubtedly be distraught enough after losing his mentor, and to find out that Brom is also his father would completely confuse and demoralize him at a time when survival is paramount.
I have a feeling that the Varden will come up with the green egg. The theory that Roran or Ayra will be the next rider is a pretty good possibility. I think that Murtagh will become good because when he took the sword it was only to show that he completed a task and that he could be trusted. That way when the final battle finally comes Murtagh will turn on Galbatorix and help Eragon defeat him. The new riders will all come up with new rider swards that the elves will make before the final battle. At then end I think that Eragon and Ayra will fall in love and life their lives together.
ok, this is something u might not have thought about. the vault of souls, might be a place that galbatorix goes to speak his name into the vault, and thats how he keeps gaining power, and eragons is gonna find it
If you remember in eldest it mentioned that brom had lost his sword while he was training with Oromis Im pretty sure that this was the (blue) sword that eragon was meant to find in the tree. Them in the next fight between eragon and murtagh broms sword and morzons sword will clash again
Plus I think that the first major thing that eragon and saphira do in the next book is help roran find katrina and kill the razac then eragon will return to the land of the elves with roran to finish his training
im also thinking that eragon and saphira will free murtag from his oaths to galbatorix
however i do not think that eragon or saphira will die
oh and im pretty sure that galbatorix will die
Here's my prediction. Eragon will find a sword under the singing tree and will find the cave of the undead. In it, he will learn more powerful Anicent Language that'll help him defeat Galbatorix
i think its most likely ayra who is the next rider because with roran we dont know if he has the blood of a dragon rider for sure. but for Aray her father was a dragon rider and she has his blood for sure. also her magic is green and the riders magic is usually the color of there dragon, and since there is only a green dragon left, it should be her's.
I believe that 4 SURE galbatorix will die and leave roran as king, (hard 2 explain)and that Arya will hatch the green dragon, the green dragon will mate with saphira, Arya and Eragon will fall in love because their dragons mated, and Arya will have a child. I also believe that in the end, Eragon and Arya will leave roran and alagaisia forever.
ok... my turn.
Start with a lil joke...
"While two may share two,
And one of two is certainly one,
One might be two."
focus on the last sentence..."One may be two." = hermaphrodyte....:)
neway, one im getting tired of this whole eragon marries arya thing... Chris P. is making you think he's gonna marry arya because eragon got all excited when he found out that arya had royal bloodline, and angela's prophecy said that he will marry a royal bloodline. Well think of this... (much to my dipleasure) he's gonna marry nasuada... shes royal bloodline and murtagh says shes so beautiful that he thought she was some chick from galbatorix's palace. and it wont be arya cuz shes still in love with her dead campanion from the first chapter: one of her other riders. he was the one who made her that flower with magic. the one who she couldnt tell eragon about when she was telling him about her guards.
next thought: roran has too many leadership qualities... he will rule all of alagasea... which proves my theory that he will not be a rider!!! because eragon is furious that they can't even someday outlive an evil king because their current king is a rider... lives an extraordinary long life! so roran will be either a) king of alagasea and not a rider or b)the third rider and not king of alagasea... i choose a). and roran will be the one standing on the shore watching the other two noble ppl on the boat and their two dragons in the distance. (eragon's first prophecy)
ok now about solembum: eragon is now at a loss for a weapon... (Murtagh's inheritance by right of eldest) so he goes to the menoa tree to finally figure out how he can get a weapon..."look under the roots of the menoa tree" there he will find the most powerful weapon of all ... the first eragon's original sword... which has so much power invested into it, that it is unstopable... the sword that is the true inheritance<<< hence the name inheritance trilogy (just a thought)
now the vault of souls... speak your true name to the rock of kuthia (or however u spell it)... i believe that since brom put so much emphasis on the fact that u cant bring sumone back to life, i think that means that he will... so an elf is gonna tell eragon his true name... then hes gonna go to vroengard and find the vault of souls speak his name and he will have power beyond thought and he will make a choice who will benefit him the most to bring back to life oromis...(another theory im working on, i think oromis will die protecting eragon... or eragon will use the vault of souls to heal oromis's and glaedr's handicap, thus heaving another dragon rider to be of aide in the battle against galbatorix) neway so i think that that might happen or he mite bring back the most beneficial person to him yet... the first eragon! dun dun dun...
as for the third dragon rider: vanir... whoa! yea! didnt see that one coming! dont know why yet but i dunno... or angela..haha and everyone stop saying that arya is gonna be the next dragon rider cuz she has green magic.. ur magic changes to the colour of your dragon's scales... duh! chris p. himself backed that one up!
now as to the reason eragon has to leave alagasea... eragon defeats galbatorix but ppl now despise dragons because of of galbatorix and shruikan... just a thought.
another thought i have is the gray folk they went into hiding doesnt mean their dead! and they now wait living in an endless immortal hell waiting for the one born true o come and bring peace back to the land (sorry for the reference to terry goodkind) neway so the gray folks power is gone because of how much energy it took to bind magic to a language... and eragon is gonna seek them out and ask them for help...
neway the story of eragon's first vision: eragon defeats glabatorix... kills thorn and murtagh...thats y theres only two dragons flying overhead... and another reason as to why he has to leave... he uses up so much power to kill galbatorix and rid the land of evil forever that he is now powerless so he must leave and join the gray folk
also another thing im workin on is how the ancient language comes into play in this incredible story why would he add that one who knows the true name of the ancient language controls the very language itself!
i have more ideas and theories, and i know my stories have holes in them thats y chris p. is the artist of the book not me...
abt arya, i think that she avoids eragon coz she already likes someone & that someone is faolin who was murdered by the urgals in the first chapter of the first book.
then later in the second book she tells eragon that faolin had given her a flower, when she shows eragon the different places in ellesmera.
also when eragon enters her room to apologise he sees fairths of 2 people .one was her father's &other might be faolin.
Just so some of you know, Murtagh can't turn against Galbatorix. So the only way Murtagh can be saved is if he's captured, and then Eragon kills Galbatorix.
roran cant be next rider he doesnt have selenas or morzans bllod selena was eragons mother not rorans remember erage was raised by his UNCLE AND ANTE
Ok here's my idea, Murtagh live's but his Dragon thorn dies, a most painful death. We all can see that Home boy Galbatorix dies, but i think it will be at the claws of his Black Dragon. I think Roran and Eragon become the new riders (the final egg hacths for Roran). The Sword that Eragon finds is the First Eragon's Sword and the Vault of Souls gives Eragon more power then Galbatorix. As for Arya and Eragon, The first elf and elf-hybrid couple. Roran kills the razac like a cow at slaughter. Oh and Nasuada becomes Queen of the Humens the Urgal's Die in a glourise battle agianst Galbatorix men. and they all live happly ever after :0
I reckon that Saphira will arrive with Eragon to confront Galbatorix but they speperate, Saphira to fight Shruikan and Eragon to fight Galbatorix. Saphira will turn Shruikan good, and they'll fall in love, but Thorn will arrive and almost kill Saphira, but Shruikan will turn on Thorn and kill him. He and Saphira will then mate. (No clue about green egg)
I know I haven't mentioned Eragon much, but DRAGONS are my life, and I am concerned with Saphira's fate, and I HOPE SHE WON'T DIE!!!!
i believe that that underneath the tree is a rider's sword whos i dont know could be eregon's the first rider or brom's. I think Arya will be the new rider and that she falls in love with eregon and they go to the new land. I think murtagh will be incapacitated while eregon kills galbortex or however you spell it lol. Anyways after G is dead murtagh's oaths will be broken and he will join eregon in founding the new riders. Those are just theories there are many different possible endings. So I just thought id tell yall my theory :P
for the billionth time people just because Roran doesnt have Morzan's blood and Eragon and Murtagh became riders doesnt mean the last person has to be related to Morzan or have selena's blood to be a rider! oh and roran does have Selena's blood because she was garrow sister and garrow and her had the same blood so roran does have selena's blood just not Morzan's blood! I know it would be more likely for the last rider to be related to Morzan or be an elf doesnt mean they will be!!!!! (but most likely)!!!!! Oh and whoever said that nasuada could be who Eragon ends up with Thank You I was just about to say that! Oh and just a thought what about nasuada being the next rider that could explain if eragon and her end up together cus the premonition had 2 dragons and people " Nasuada's dragon and Eragon and Saphira" who said nasuada cant run the varen and be a dragon rider! Just Thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The sword under the menoa tree COULD NOT be Broms sword because it was destroyed in battle against the forsworn.
I think Eragon and Saphira will defeat Murtagh and Thorn and then make them swear in the ancient language to not kill them. Also I think Eragon and Saphira will bring Brom back to life with the help of Murtagh and Thorn. Then the third egg will hatch for Brom and he will tell Eragon what he was going to tell him before he died.
hey whoever said that Brom was Eragons granfather, well thats a little weird not to be mean or anything. Brom couldn't be Eragons grandfather because Brom was younger than Morzan, and Murtauge never had reason to lie to Eragon when he told him that Morzan was his father and he coulden't lie he said it in the ancient language. I also think that Eragon's sword(the first one) will be under the menoa tree. I think Arya and eragon will marry because Arya will be the next dragon rider and Saphira will mate with the green dragon because it is a male and with the green daragon being Arya's and Saphira being Eragon's dragon they will fall in love.
I think that the last dragon egg is stored in the vault of souls with the souls of all the ra'zacs victims. Galbatorix, and now Murtagh, can draw power from these souls and thus be incredibly powerful yet still human. Once Eragon releases the souls and rescues the egg, Galbatorix and Murtagh will be weakened enough for Eragon and the new rider (Arya???) to defeat them before leaving togeher to go to the elves homeland.
I think that Eragons father is actully Brom. If you look back in Eldest to page 546 Blagden said "While two may share two, and one of two is certinatly one, one might be two." So while two sons (Eragon and Murtauge)"may" share the same to parents (Morzan and Selena) and one parent of two parents, the mother-Selena, is certinly the same one parent of both sons one parent, the father, might be two fathers (Brom and Morzan) each having one of the sons. What in the world could this riddle be if it disen't support the two-father theory.
One last fact: Blagden never met Morzan so he coulden't be talking about him. Morzan was never blind.He knew exactly what he was doing. He was after power. Brom was the only one who was blind by his insane idolization of morzan.
So Brom has to be Eragons father.
Se mor'ranr ono finna, se onr sverdar sitja havass!!
but dont you think that if eragon brought back brom he would bring broms dragon to! And even if he didnt bring broms dragon back i dont personally think brom would want the 3rd dragon! Brom would probably say im to old to have a dragon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just had a crazy thought.
What if, once Galbatorix was dead, Arya was to fall in love with MURTAGH instead of Eragon. This could explain why in Eragon's dream (Deathwatch chapter) there was a third person screaming-it was Eragon and his heart had been broken.
This doesn't explain where Saphira is or how the race of dragons was continued but it was just a thought
Another piece of evidence to support Brom being Eragons Father is that at the start of Eragon, he is 15 and it also says that Brom had been living in Carvahall for 15 years. Bit of a coincidece dont you think? He was there to watch over his son and it even said that Brom was Ergons friend.
i think arya will be the next dragon rider and she and eragon go off the the elves sacred land where they where before they came to alagaisia becose that will confirm his preminition of a man and woman leaveing on really good boats like the ones eragon used on his way to elsmera.so the guys eragon and the womans arya and shes a ryder becose he sees to dragons in da sky.
also if....broms sword is the wepon under the mena tree the gem inside of its probobly full of a mass amount of broms power which he cold use if hes in great need.
one last thing look back to when eragon and roran are leaveing to the mill when roran becomeing a miller doesent garrow kinda seem like he knows whats gona happen becose he wouldent come with em and game em blessing like he new hed never see em ever again.
just something to think about.
undo everinya ohno varda
may the stars what over you
i think arya will be the next rider and that she will fall for eragon. also, what if oromis found brom's sword and buried it under the menoa tree? it's a wild guess, but who knows? possibly, eragon could kill galbatorix, and roran could become king, and nasuada his queen. i dont think roran's gonna be the rider. but if he does, he'd have a green hammer, not a sword.
~may your swords stay sharp!!!
i think that everyone wants in the back of their mind to imagine Galbatorix as evil. But he might not be, and there are so many twists that could happen. How ever i dont think that the other dragon egg will hatch
First off how could Galabatorix not be evil!He killed many people, He killed shruikan's first rider and then twisted his mind,and doesnt do anything about slavery,and he would often fly to the beors and kill dwarfs, and he sided with a shade/ Ra'zac!!!!Please dont tell me that was all mean't by Galabatorix in a nice way!!!!!!!!!
I think that Eragon finding broms sword under the menoa tree is a great idea. I think Arya will die and eragon after killing galbatrix with Roran (who i think may become the new rider of the green dragon)will go and rescue her from the volt of souls. I also think something to do with the first eragon will come into play, but im not sure what.
Does anyone know if the third book is the last book for sure???
Roran will be King because he has royal blood in his veins. Mentioned in the book about the blood of King Palancar. Eragon mentioned, at least once, that he would not want to rule.
Arya will be the Green Dragon Rider because Saphira said she would not mate with Thorn or Shruikan so the Third Dragon must be the 'one' it also adds to Eragon and Arya's "relationship".
I think that Orik will be the new Dwarf King because he is Hrothgar's heir and seems to be the dwarf with the most experience of recent affairs.
The Elves and Eragon (and of course Arya) will go to the elf land of Alalea in the silver boat and the person screaming on the shore will be Murtagh who (don't shout at me...) may take Vraels place because Eragon has left Alagaesia to go to Alalea with the Elves. The two dragons in the sky will be Saphira and Arya's Dragon.
I agree with whoever said this: The weapon in the roots of the Menoa Treee IS the Menoa Tree, the life energy from within is the weapon Eragon uses against Galbatorix. Sadly I think Oromis will die, passing on his last words of wisdom to Eragon and I think Saphira will honour his death in a way not unlike Brom's Grave. Saphira will re-create Isidar Mithrim as she promised, Elva will have her 'curse' lifted and Murtagh will be absolved of his crimes. Sorry it's so long...
You would have to have wrote the book to make that pridiction. I think Arya is going to be the next rider. Saphira will fall in love with the next dragon causing Arya to have the same feeling’s for Eragon.
I think that ormis will die ether fighting galbatorix or protecting eragon. I also think that eragon might die but Saphira will bring him back. Im guessing galbatorix will do somthing extremly bad and Murtagh comes back on the good side and helps eragon kill galbatorix in a combanated spell.
i think that arya will get the green egg and the green dragon will mate with saphira making 2 more eggs which Orik and Roran get and i think murtagh will stay bad till like the very end and turn on galbatorix when he is about to kill eragon just like wat darth vader did to darth sidious
I think that orik will become the first dwarf dragon rider, someone close to eragon will die and he will bring them back to life, and someone will find the powerful name of the ancient language
Galbatorix is destroyed,Arya is made elf queen after her mother's death,Orik becomes king of the dwaves, and Elva is the newest dragon rider because in eldest think about what oromis said when he was told of her "One who has the mark but is not a rider" so this makes me think it will be her, Another thing to think about is Angelea's fortune said he would leave the land never to return
I think that Vanir will get the green egg, then doublecross the elves and varden, joining Galbatorix. Galbatorix won't have Vanir say oaths because he has already proven himself by joining him voluntarily. Vanir will then betray Galbatorix and thus turn the tide to the Varden.
I think that in the third book Eragon will us ethe words that Brom gave him when he was dieing. Those words could be anything. There is not one clue of what those words could have been. All i can guess is that they have an important part in the next book.
Theres is no way that Vanir could be the next rider in the third book, or the fact that he joins Galbatrix. Also theres more of a chance that the third egg doesn't hatch at all, unless theres a ending of a year later after Galbatorix is killed.
I believe that Christopher has planned TO write multiple trilogies for eragon and the story of Eragon will unravel in a seperate series and the story will be represented by trilogiesas well as books.
I think katrina or Arya will be the next dragon rider because Eragon has the dream about two dragons flying overhead and he and women on a boat i think. This is the new dragon and the people are eragon and arya or katrina. I think its more likely to be be katrina becase the razac kid nap her. Ialso bought anyoner cloae to eragon will die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First off, I sall some people write that When Brom was about to die his last words to Eragon was the ancient word for everything! Well i highly doubt it would be that because Eragon would not have kept it hidden from Oromis and if he did he would be very powerful so i highly doubt that!
i think that the next rider will be a girl. i mean, the other two are guys and it would be totally unfair if they all are guys. they said in one book that there were girl riders. i think that either arya or katrina will be the next rider.
what if somenone new comes in who becomes the next rider?
I like the idea that the fight goes to the elf kingdom and Eragon has to draw upon the Menoa tree and all living things to win the battle. That could be his weapon. Remember though that Orik isn't automatically the new king. He was the Heir to his own clan but all the clans decide who the new King will be. Also I think Arya could be the new rider.
I also think that Roran could be the next King of Alagaesia. That's a good prediction after all he did basically save the Varden in their battle by killing the twins. I also like the idea that Eragon has to save someone's soul from the chamber. Good prediction. But didnt' Oormis say the sould died after the body did. That could be a slight contradiction.
I'm hoping that murtaugh turns good. But I'm not to sure on Roran being a rider, though it's possible. I to think that oromis will die protecting eragon. But again, i'm not to sure about roran being a rider, but who knows :)
i think there has to be a new dragon for the cover of the new book and the only way eragon will be able to defeat both murtagh and eragon is that a new rider will join him in other words arya. she is the perfect match if you look at all the clues in the book which i can not be bothered to go through them all now.
i also think nasuada and ajihad come from the grey folk race. the race that set up the ancient language and that might play a big part in the next book.
also ithink brom is eragons dad not morzan. the only reason that murtag was able to say in the ancient language that morzan was both their father is because he believed it. there is no evidence proving this point but brom fits the role so well and cp has hinted it loads of times throughout the books. it also fits blagdens riddles if you fit in missing words.
those are my main points for now but if i have anything else of great importance i shall note it down
i think that whenn solembum said the roots of the menoa tree he did not meen the roots that it gets water from but its past and if the elf i n it came from one of the two mentioned elven families that collected what ruins there were from the battle with the fall of the riders then one of them has brom's sword(he lost it) and eragon will rightfully inherit it as brom is his father and the next rider will gett their sword from the other family.
i have heard a theory that eragon and arya have a child and name him eragon and he goes back in time to be the first dragon rider this could be the person who is screaming in chapter death watch if so the dragon could be saphira and the green dragons baby
the next rider will be some one who already knows the ancient language and magic as they don't reall have months left to fight the war. the person will have to be falf trained already to help eragon defeat galbatorix.
murtag will eventuall be able to break free of his oaths in the ancient language as when the person dies who has made them so will their magic meaning if eragon kills galbby then murtag will be free..
roran will be the next king as it is in his blood. it will not be eragon because he has already said he does not want to be so.
i heard a rumor that the next book might be entitled empire following the beginning with 'e' and being a six letter long word tradition. this may also why eldest is called so meaning that eragon and murtag do not have another sibling either that or it could be refering to a number of different things like gladre being the eldest of the three dragons or somthing to do with the races.
it is too lat to introduce another main character to play a main part also as cp has been building up the other ones for two books and many of themm still have a big part to play.
i dont think any one too close to eragon will die but oromis will due to his mysterioous illness.
the new rider will find out galbyssecret ( oromis already knows it ) and if it is not too bad then will use it for their dragon to mature faster.
For predictions. All we have to do is remeber the reading that Angela did on Eragon during the first book. Although most of the events she fortold already happened there are still a few that haven't. An important one is the romance between Eragon and one of noble birth. Unless they're introducing another important character that leaves Nasuada and Arya. Another one was the event that Eragon would leave Algessia( I don't have the book on me so I have no idea how to spell it) and never return.
when is the movie supposed to come out i cant wait
Her scales rustled over the dry rock as she stood above him, eyes profound. "After we left Teirm and were attacked by the Urgals, he told me many things, some of which I will not speak of unless necessary.
i think brom told spahira what the weapon under the menoa tree was, which oromis knows as well, and where the rock of kuthian is. I also think he told her he was eragons father. also nasuada or elva might become the new rider, because roran doesnt seem like he would make a rider and arya is to old. i think that the weapon under the menoa tree might be his true name, which brom put there so he could find it to open the vault of souls. If he brings anyone back to life he will intrude someone elses mind and use their strength to do it, and galbotorix might not know that you could do this
i also think the dwarves will be mad when he leaves to never come back because then he cannot be buried with their dead, like he is obliged to as a member of durgimst ingeitum
i think that eragon will beocme the king of everything. he will mary arya and then be voted to become the dwarf king and kill galbotroix and take his throne therfor he will be king of all alagaesia. arya=elevs hrogthror=dwarves and galbotroix=humans
i have just had a thought . when solembum said speak your name to the rock of kuthian he might mean the first eragon's real name not the second's.
who ever said that eragon only fell in love with arya because of when he heard angelas prophecy he got all excited is ( no offence ) rather silly, cause he fell in love with her before he found out she had royal blood. also whoever said he woould also fall in love with katrina is also kinda dum ( once again no offence). the only way that could happen is if she would marry roran once he is king then fall in love with eragon and leave roran. that will just not happen as firstly they are the most unlikely people to do that and secondly`that would be an awful long and spoiling ending to the trilogy
just had a crazy thought what if the first eragon is the second eragon that goes back in time (using magic of course) and is the person that makes the dragon and elf bond. this would explain his journey that will never go back to alagaesia.
i know what your thinking there are loadsof ways to counteract this possibility.
firstly he is not an elf. but he is not human any longer he looks like an elf so can therefor be classified as one.
secondly saphira is not white. who knows, maybe she could die.
thirdly eragons first prophecy with the people on the boat. it may not be him leaving alagaesia everyone is just reating it to that,the dragons in the air (if saphira really does die) could be her offspring.
lastly the white egg. he could find it when he goes back in time and it hatches while he finds it (noting that the contract spell thingy has not been establlisheed yet).
i know it is extremely unlikely but hey its just another theory and even i don't fully believe it. it only popped into my mind while i was reading a whole lot other theories.
crazy thought-
what if galbotorix already died
in both books there is no evidence that he is actually living. He could have died sometime after morzan died and the empire could just cover it up.
Ok I have some news the cover of the next book will be a green dragon! I know this because Paolini said it himself. So that means that the third rider will be green
Ok no offense but whoever said that Galabatorix was already dead prabaly is not true because why would Murtagh have lied about his meeting with him!BUt that is a real good theory!
I just want to point one REALLY, REALLY BIG FACT OUT! Blood has nothing to do with being a rider. Why did everyone at the beginning keep saying "oh, roran doesn't have morzan's blood". SO WHAT! It's the dragon's choice. If the rider is royal or not, they can be chosen. Saphira explained this in the second book on several occasions. Neither Morzan's blade nor his blood nor any other factor was why Saphira chose Eragon! She chose him because of who HE was, not who is FATHER was! Gosh!
I would not guess who the next rider will be. But,if Eragon wouild think about it, he can take the energy from other things and people, and not from part of the energy in things (not from oromis), then if he is able to learn more control of himself, he can certainly take the energy from Galbatorix to kill Galbatorix. He just needs to loearn focus on his lessons more.
So many things, where to begin. 1st, Blood does not make a rider. 2nd, I may be wrong, but I don't remember Murtagh making an oath in the old language to kill Eragon, just to serve Galbatorix. Once Galbatorix is killed, either Murtagh will take his place because of the oath, or he will be released from it by Galbatorix's death. And 3rd, Dwarves can be riders. If you remember, the Humans became riders after the Elves did when they also made the pact in the old language with the dragons and elves. The dwarves could do that also (doesn't mean I think it will happen, just that it could).
Just an idea-
I think Roran will become the 3rd dragon rider after the varden steel the egg and when Eragon gets a new sword they travel towards battle and Murtagh is killed by the 2 of them together. Then in the next battle when Galbatorix is threatend he challengs Roran and Eragon, and Roran dies and in his rage Eragon kills galbotorix.
just a thought.
I think there is a goody rider in the spine thats why galbotorix lost an army in there!!!
I really have no idea about the dragon egg, I wish that Roran would get it but I don't think he will, Arya MAYBE but im not at all for sure. I have strong belief that Roran will become king after Galbatorix is dead because he is a great leader and lead Carvahall out of danger, and a good decision maker do or die kind of thing. I wish that Murtagh would return good I was crushed when I saw him all evil and stuff at the end of Eldest. I do think that Murtagh will, as someone else said before, be about to kill Eragon in like the mighty hall of Galbatorix while Galbatorix is watching and then at the last minute swings at Galb. and then kills him therefore killing himself because of the bload oaths or whatever he took with him.
i also think it is obvious that galbatorix with be destroyed and i hope that the elves come out and fight and they have a huge battle like in lord of the rings were Eragon and murtagh with battle again but Eragon with defeat murtagh and turn him good and make him in the varden. I hope they find his mother and orik is the new dwarf king. and Roran and his wife will get back together and the egg will hatch with Roran and the new dragon and saphira will mate and it will go into the golden age of the riders were the elves dwarves humans and even urgals with live in peace. I also hope the book is like 2,000 pages and explains everything good and deeply. and one last thing is that Eragon gets a wife and they live happly, but then in like two years after this book comes out another problem has came up with a rider or it shows everything from galbatorix side
i just read from a page that a new rider with come in and it is on some shadeslayer page i typed in eragon book three sneak peaks and it gives out some hints for book three and it says that it will be a suprise so maby it is Roran but even a bigger twist i just thought of would be having Orik get the dragon casue that would be a first having a dwarf get a dragon but it probly will be Roran or maby if a villager from eragons home town
ok i have spent LOTS of my time in reserching this stuff i know how galbatorix dies and the books name.... my best guess is the book is called empire as all the books start with an e and are 6 letters long eragon will fix the crystal for the dwarves in the procces itt will turn blue and will hold massive energy giving him the power to defeat golbatorix not saying any more >:-}
I think the person who said brom was eragon fathers might be right.
What he/she saids all make sense and +, Angela saids in book1 (in Teirm when Eragon 1st met her and Solenbem) that Brom loved a woman and his affect for her results in her misfortune. That woman might be Selena. And if Garrow is Selena's brother and not Morzan's brother,she had a baby with Brom and let him with Garrow. That explains why Brom went to Carvahall.
Maybe that prediction is ridiculous but it makes sense.
Now that the topic has been brought to my attention I thought about the fact of Brom being Eragons father. When Morzan was around he and Brom were very close friends, although Morzan was older then Brom. Morzan was older and had a red dragon though I dont know if the books ever state the dragons name. Brom had a dragon which was saphire blue and named saphira. Now remember when Eragon asked Oromis about their religion he said on page 541 of Eldest "We believe that the world behaves according to certain inviolable rules and that,by persistent effort, we can discover those rules and use them to predict events when circumstances repeat"
I feel this means that circumstances are repeating. If Brom was Eragons father and now without even noticing it named his dragon Saphira (repeating before) and also that Morzan had a red dragon and now his son has one(repeating before). if things repeat i think Eragon may have to kill Murtagh as Brom had to kill Morzan. just my own thoughts to add to that topic
Ok! I was thinking of somemore people that are possible for getting the third dragon egg and someother people could be Albriech and Baldor! They were in the first two books!
ok one more mad idea:
what if morzan kills glbtrx and then survives because when glbtrx dies morzans oaths are canceled and he lives because he is no longer held to the oath of loyalty. does thaat make sense or is it just crazy let me know
Here is what I belive will happen.
1. At the beginning of the first book, Eragon goes with Roran to the ra-zak lair (this is totally true, in Eldest Limited Edition, there is an excerpt from book three, the first chapter, and they arrive at the ra'zaks lair, where they are attacked by a letherblaka, and eragon goes unconcious |after this point, it is all gueses|) and roran kills one of the letherblaka, when eragon awakes and kills the other. Then the ra'zak attack, injuring saphira, but the ra'zak die, except one escapes.
2. Then I think that Eragon will find the vault of souls inside the lair of the ra'zak, but i think the vault is a person, who shelters souls and has become this horrible, disgusting creature. That is the point for glader's lesson on souls.
3. at the end the souls will help eragon at the end, like lord of the rings, in which the souls totally owned!
4. I liked the root system being the weapon under the menoa tree idea, but it COULD be that the vault of souls or the rock of kuthian is there. I dont think a physcal weapon will be there.
5. Eragon will find out how galbatorix gets stronger so fast, maybe the vault of souls has something to do with it... cause in murtaghs mind, eragon thought he heard voices, but that could be a bunch of trapped people like kartina and sloan.
6. obviously, oromis will die, like the cool person always does in books.
7. arya will probably be the new rider, definetly not roran, that would be really, really, really stupid. Also, arya has green magic, but that is only a very slight indicator, but who knows, maybe CP is trying to hint something. also, eragon loves her, and if saphira and her dragon mated, it would help eragon very much.
8. broms 7 last words will be used, they could be directions, a spell, many things, but i think it is a spell, cause that just makes sense.
9. eragon will finish his training, and be totally pro with awsome powers.
10. There will be another big battle at the end. duh. could be at the beor mountains, but not likely.
11. there could be a wild dragon hiding in the spine or somewhere.
12. murtagh will go good, this is a given, I don't think CP has the heart to kill him.
13. galby will die somehow.
14. when saphira fixes isidor mithrim, something cool will probably happen.
That is about all I can remember now.
I believe that Roran will be then next Rider. And blood doesn't insure you will be a rider. The dragon in the egg must choose you. And I thnk that if they where to kill Gallbatroix the vows holding Murthag would be broken.
This is what I think book 3 will go on. Save Katrina, Kill razac, go back to ellesmera to finish training, nasuada and the dwarves steal egg and it hatches (I have no idea who it is) eragon gets new weapon from menoa tree (it makes sense because he doesnt have a weapon and he is already at ellesmera) Eragon tries fighting Galbatorix but loses and flees to vault of souls, gets new power somehow, goes back when there is a war between elves, dwarves, humans and galbatorix. At the end, eragon kills galbatorix with the words brom gave him before he died. Thats my prediction
The vault of souls is obviously for Eragon to gain more power because he is to weak to kill Galbatorix or save murtagh. The power is given to him by the riders of the past just like what the dragons did at the blood oath celebration. The vision Eragon has about a man being left behind is probably at the ending of Eragon series. So i think what happens in book three is katrina gets rescued by Eragon and Roran and also Eragon the weapon(obviously a sword)from under the Menoa tree. While there he gets training from Oromis again. The vault of souls might be opened in the third depending what he's gonna do next.Brom could be Eragons father. If theres is evidance it is in the third book. Orik would probably be King since Hrogthar, or however you spell it, made Orik his heir, but Orik, in the end of Eldest,said that theres will be a uproar in the dwarf clans on who in King. Eldest is obviously Murtagh. What i would like to know is if Eragon becomes leader of the Varden since Nasuada make him her heir. What really confuses me is that the couple of elves the queen sent to protect Eragon, what role will they have in the future. The third rider could be alyone really. But theres more of a chance that the third Dragon doen not hatch until the King gets killed.
I cant wait for the MOVIE ON NOVEMBER 15 2006. Hopefully all three movies are made.
wow i think you are right about all those things. but i think that murtagh will kill galbatorix . he will act like he is going to kill eragon but he is going to kill galbatorix by surprise which will kill murtagh
Perhaps maybe nassuda or what ever will be the next rider
Just a thought
My name is Nicole, I love the books and I started reading them becaude my friend dared me to and now I`m crazy about the books! I think Orimis will die from a fatel spell and Eragon finds out his real name by Orimis and bring him back fom the dead by finding the kuthian stone and say his true name. Vel einradhin iet ai Shur'tugal, Wiol ono, se mor'ranr ono finna.
I think that Murtagh and Nasuda will be the king and queen of Alagaesia and Roran or Arya will become the next rider and I think that Eragon will have to get the root from the tree when he has to defeat Galbatorix. But before ehe kills Galbotorix he will go and rescue Katrina and kill the Ra'zac witch will make Galbotorix very mad and he will come after Eragon himself but Eragon is far in Du Weldenvarden When he gets the Oromis saves Eragon from a spell and he will kill him with the new sword he gets
I think the part where he has the dream about arya and the tall man will come true but the tall man will be Roran and Eragon will be left to rule the kingdom
In my opinion Roran can not be the next Dragon Rider. The reason is that Eragon trained under Brom when they were traveling for about 8 months. After that he trained with the Elf Rider for about 10 months. Brom also thought that Eragon had amazing power considering how short a time he had to learn magic. By the time Roran went through all of that training and even more he still might not be as powerfull as Eragon, and at this point Eragon is not powerfull enough to defeat Galbatoricks (don't know how to spell it)(I hope this changes in the third book). I am not going to make any more predictions about the third book! I just want to be suprised and learn what happends then! May your sword stay sharp!
i dont know why everyone says that because arya's magic is green and the dragon is too, its hers by default. i know its been posted before but either on shadeslayer.com or shurtugal.com there was an interview with chris p. he said that if someone with green magic touches an amethyst hatchling, their magic changes to purple (maybe this hints at a fourth egg for arya...). as for the whole brom is eragon's father thing, that is really good thinking. as for predictions:
1.eragon and roran kill ra'zac (someone mentioned the special edition excerpt(?), thanks i was wondering what it said).
2.roran gets th third egg
3.uhh... not..really..sure...what...to.......put..........
4.galby dies
5.when galby's spirit is released, so much energy is as well that alagaesia implodes (much like in warcraft). the person screaming is the first person of many to reach the docks and find out that there are no more ships.
a few crazy ideas:
1.what if eragon gets the third egg and ecomes the first rider in history o have two dragons. he'd be like "ahh, galbatorix, you're too strong" and galby'd be like "hahaha, yes i am" and then eragon would be like "WRONG!!!" and the other dragon would come in and kill galby while he was offgaurd. that'd solve the whole training issue.
2. well i guess i only had one crazy idea. oh well...
well I say that some of your predictions are logical some I
would say not but there's many possiblities about the other charaters and their roles in the final battle. For Example Elva may
start training under Eragon to control her abilities and magic
should he fail to rid her of her curse completely, then there's
Arya she may have; in the second
book during the celebration when she told Eragon her feeling's toward him been talking about someone else instead of Eragon
himself through the Elves way of saying a different truth to him
creating an empression opposite
the real truth so she may have feelings for Eragon after all
but she doesn't want to distract
him from doing what he has too.
and the possiblites are high that Roran may become the next rider but he also may just become the next king with Eragon at his side helping him. And another possiblity is that the ever metioned Vault of souls could judt be a way to comunicate to the dead and Eragon learns the secret to defeating Galbotorix from the original Eragon and words in the Ancient Langage that give him
access to unlimited power. and then' there's Murtagh and Thorn the main posiblity is that Eragon and him fight agian and this time Murtagh is utterly defeated and killed and then, there's no point in denying it the Ra'zac will be destroyed and katrina saved and Orik will become the next dwarf king and lastly, oromis will die and maybe tell Eragon his true name.
Okay,just because Arya has green magic it doesn't mean that she would automaticallly be the rider of the third green dragon. If you'll remember, elves are magical creatures also.
i dont think arya will be the next rider because she has already touched one drgon egg buti guess it is possible that the last egg may choose her.I think brom will be brought back or eragon will find a way to taklk to his spirt then brom can tell him whatever it was he whispered. I also thinkk it is possible that roran or orik could be the new rider. Has anyone thought of the possibelty of it if brom comes back he gets the egg and it hatches for him.
Well...i personally cannot wait for the 3rd book to come out...ithink it'll be called empire...but what about Arya???...she could be a dragon rider!!!...i also think that she and eragon should hook up...they would be sooo cute together!!!
what about the pregant ladys kid after the battle he or she could be the new rider
In my opinion I do not think Roran will be the next dragon rider. It seams that every one thinks that he will be. The reason's that I think he will NOT be fallows.
When Eragon was traveling with Brom Brom said that Eragon had amazing capabilities with magic(for not knowing much). Also when traveling with Brom Eragon was being taught in the ways of magic and more.....that happened for about 8 months. After that Eragon trained with the Elf Rider for about 10 months. And he is still not powerfull enough to beat gaobatoricks(I hope that changes in book three). My point is that by the time Roran took all of that training he might not be as powerfull as Eragon and they do NOT have time for Roran to train for 18 months or more !!! The land could be destroid after that amount of time. I think that the next rider has to be an Elf (I am not going to say who i think it will be). Because Elf's already know LOTS about magic, so.... their training would be a MUCH shorter time. That is my opinion. My your sword stay sharp!
The next rider has to be an Elf. It would take a human or a dwarf to long to take all of the training needed. Elf's already have a vast knowledge of the ancient language!
WOW the guy that said that Roran could not be the next rider knows what he is talking about!! Those points that he maid make a lot of sence. Great thinking!!!!!
PS. I agree totally!!!
Paolini 'left some clues' to the identity of the next rider:
People's magic is the color of the dragon, but, if i had purple magic doesn't mean that i can't be the green dragons rider, it's just less likely,'
Continuating refererences to (someones) green eyes\
My expansions;
1. Saph wouldn't let eragon talk to that woman who in charge of the du gat vranga saying something like 'the person you choose to have a relationship with affects me to' so it's probably vice-versa, ergo the next riders gonna be a chic.
1a. strange that (someone) was so uncomfortable after the fairth incedent (btw not talking about oromis) i reckon that it's that they like him.
1b. think back to the story about the menoa tree, the woman was older than the guy-(someone) is scared of the same thing happening to her
1b a. (someone)'s main arguement against the relationship is age
2. can't be roran, he's most likely candidate for the guy on the beach in the dream- seeing his brother and his wife off to whereever
3. any dwarf; they're dwarfs and not in the arrangement
4. one in a million chance for murtagh-galb, nothing has ever been said about riders being unable to have two dragons
remember that oromis told eragon that when he returned he would teach eragon how to reverse the words said in the ancient labguage. so, i think he will reverse hie "blessing" or curse on the little girl that prdicts the terrible things and then meet with murtagh and reverse his ancient language saying with galbortrix. and then together they goe steel the green egg and arya claims the title of the tird rider and together all three go and oblitorte galborix and his entire palace with all his soldiers and things like that.
Kvetha Fricaya
Hey, peoples.
I think that Eragon will pretend to be under the influence of Galbatorix to infiltrate the inner workings. After all, remember the skewed blessing that Eragon gives to Elva? One messed up word could ruin or completely switch the meaning of the spell. So he could get a word wrong, and end up not having to serve Galbatorix. This would be pretty helpful.
Just a guess, though.
Can't wait till the 3rd book comes out, how 'bout you?
Any corrections (or feedback) on my theory would be nice.
Se onr sverdar sitja hvass!
See ya!
alright one thing u guys are forgeting is that u don't HAVE to have the blood of another rider. The riders of old would have EVERYONE of age line up and touch it not just those who have the blood in them.
About the AL oromis told eragon it waws called graymere so that eliminates some ideas
ok so I really don't think that roran will be the next rider, 'cause Palioni (sp?) has already used the whole "lukeI am you're father" line of thinking. (you know with morozan(sp?) being eragon's brother) and it was get old fast. andI'm not sure if it will be arya becaseu she seems so likly that is too much build up aroud her being the next rider. Palioni is too good a writer to have eveything so obvious, (so far he has had some fairly oggd twists in the story) well yah just a thought....
Hey, peoples
Any of you thought of Elva being the next rider? 'Cause I mean, she is 'destined for great things', seeing as she's got the dragons mark and everything. If you have thought of that, sorry, haven't read the whole blog. But what I saw was pretty good.
The next dragon egg is green, and I hope it's a guy (for Saphira's sake) but what does that mean if Elva becomes the next Rider? Will they fall in love? 'Cause that would be pretty weird, seein' as how he was what, 18 when she was a baby, plus he already loves Arya.
About the whole, "gramere", thing, I think that that is just what the elves named it, you know, like grammar, only different-language-ified? Just me, though. Because if Galbatorix (or Eragon for that matter) knew that the name of the ancient language was gramere, wouldn't they have killed each other off by now?
Feedback? I feel like I'm talking to a wall. (Which I probably am, but, whatever)
See ya, peoples!
I think it will happen in this order :
1:Eragon and Roran will go to Helgrind, save Karina, and destroy the Ra'zac.
2:Eragon and Roran will travel to Uru'baen and save the two remaining dragon eggs.Gaibatorix will follow.
3:One of the eggs will hatch for Roran.
4:Eragon and Roran will go to Ellesmera and complete Oromis's training.
5:Galbitorix will arive in Elesmera and the elvs, Eragon, and Roran will fight him.Galbatorix will be destroyed.
6:They will go back to Surda and Eragon will marry Arya and Roran will marry Katrina.
7:(A few years later),Saphira and Roran's dragon will have an egg. Eragon and Arya's son/daughter will hatch a dragon.So will Roran and Katrina's son/daughter.
i think ayra will fall in love with eragon
If you people want happy endiing read a Disney book ...
Eragon and Arya will not get together. It has never happened and it will never happen. She is way too old for him and history dictates that every time a humann and aan elf tries to get together it happens in sorrow.
Dragons still leave on the spine. That is why Eragon loves to go there.
Another point was missed, the most powerfull wapon is wisdon, not a sword
I think that eragon will leave alagasia forever, like Angela predicted.
It was fortold that Eragon will have a lover, and I think that may be Arya, because of what Angela told him about noble birth and such. But Roran being a Rider? WOW! Never thought Of that....
Great predictions!
Hay id just like to say that i was really angry that eragons brother Mutagh was more powefule than him. but i reolised something when i was re-reading the first book. brom says something along the lines of 'learning your true name will make you really powerfule' and in the second book Murtagh said that the king knew his and eragons name so i think the reason Murtagh was more powerfule in the final battle in book two, is because murtagh knows his real name and draws power from it. :) that revolation just came to me then so if anyone els has said that i apolgise in advance.
Hey guys, im not entirely sure about the Roran thing. He's not actually eragons real brother is he? I mean Selena just dropped eragon there.
This is just a guess, but i thought it would be cool if on of the grey fold sudenly appeared with a white dragon in the third book and helped both the Varden and the Empire
I think all these theories are great and so fun to read and think about, but there is no reason to get all upset by other peoples theories because honestly anything can happen in the third book. It's Chris P.'s book and well only he knows what is really going to happen, we the readers are just along for the ride. I'm just having a hard time waiting for the ride to continue, I hope the Third Book comes out no later then next summer, thats all I have to say. Patience is a virtue I just don't have.
I think that Eragon and Roran will go to Helgrind, kill the Ra'zac and rescue Katrina. I think that Galbatorix had moved the last green egg to Helgrind for protection. Therefore Eragon gets the green egg. When he gives it to Arya to ferry it between the elves and humans it hatches for her. It is male and it mates with Saphira. They have a baby dragon and it hatches for Elva (the child with the silver dragon mark.)
I think that Eragon will go to the Vault of Souls and gain power from most of the deceased riders and powerful ones. He will then have enough power and understanding of magic to release Murtagh from Galbatorix's hold. Then Eragon, Murtagh and Arya will all attempt to destroy Galbatorix. He gets away and flees into the Spine where he has forces waiting. Then there will be a great battle and a army of dragons and dwarves will come from the Boers and Surda. Oromis and Glaedr will come and fight but are too weak and they end up sacrificing thir lives for Arya and Eragon with their respective dragons. Murtagh gets killed though. Arya and Eragon get to Galbatorisx and together they slay him. The battle ends, but the Spine and Du Weldenvarden are almost completely destroyed due to the dragons (kinda like what happened with the Burning Plains.)There is not enough room for all of the races to live any more, so Roran (new leader of the humans), Nasuada, Islanzadi, Orik (the new king of the dwarves)and Garxhvog (leader of the Kull and Urgals), Eragon, Arya, and ELva all leave for a new world.
there is one thing you guys are missing. there is only ONE dragon egg left. alot of you are saying there is two eggs left. as with pretty much every one else, i agree with what some of you are saying.
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